On 2010-08-25 15:51, papukaija wrote : > -> No, the decision is already made and has to be followed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#A%20bug%20that%20should%20be%20handled%20upstream > Can you explain why there are 2 Debian bugs for I'll be trying to file a bug with Debian, but I've already spent a good time *trying* to. I landed on www.debian.org/Bugs/ [Reporting] requesting me to send an e-mail form (*). In find e-mail forms extremely adequate. But only after preparing them with a Web form emailing it to the user first is badly needed. In general: In order for what's said in that URL to be achievable, could you please explain/point to the URLs explaining; - assuming that the culprit package has been determined, not a given thing, - how do we know where its "upstream" is, and especially their bug reporting page? - how do we know that we will not lose our time and sound stupid being send away with "that's Ubuntu's doing"? In particular : how can I report this bug to Debian simply and not lose my time? Is there a NORMAL bug reporting page? (*) here is how their recommended method goes (it starts by asking me to retport the bug to Ubuntu)... $ sudo aptitude install reportbug; reportbug ... *** ERROR: "Ubuntu" BTS is currently unsupported. Please use "ubuntu-bug" (from the apport package) for reporting bugs in Ubuntu. You can report bugs to Debian by using bts=debian (see reportbug(1)). guessed "man", -B SYSTEM, --bts=SYSTEM Instead of the Debian bug server (or the bug server specified in /etc/reportbug.conf, which is ubuntu by default on Ubuntu systems), use the server specified by SYSTEM. You can specify help to get a list of supported servers. determined -- $ reportbug --bts=debian Welcome to reportbug! Since it looks like this is the first time you have used reportbug, we are configuring its behavior. These settings will be saved to the file "/home/p/.reportbugrc", which you will be free to edit further. Please choose the default operating mode for reportbug. 1 novice Offer simple prompts, bypassing technical questions. 2 standard Offer more extensive prompts, including asking about things that a moderately sophisticated user would be expected to know about Debian. 3 advanced Like standard, but assumes you know a bit more about Debian, including "incoming". 4 expert Bypass most handholding measures and preliminary triage routines. This mode should not be used by people unfamiliar with Debian's policies and operating procedures. Select mode: [novice] 2 Please choose the default interface for reportbug. 1 text A text-oriented console interface 2 urwid A menu-based console interface Select interface: 2 Will reportbug often have direct Internet access? (You should answer yes to this question unless you know what you are doing and plan to check whether duplicate reports have been filed via some other channel.) [Y|n|q|?]? y What real name should be used for sending bug reports? [Papou] > Which of your email addresses should be used when sending bug reports? (Note that this address will be visible in the bug tracking system, so you may want to use a webmail address or another address with good spam filtering capabilities.) ... > ... Do you have a "mail transport agent" (MTA) like Exim, Postfix or SSMTP configured on this computer to send mail to the Internet? [y|N|q|?]? n Please enter the name of your SMTP host. Usually it's called something like "mail.example.org" or "smtp.example.org". Just press ENTER if you don't have one or don't know. > ... If you need to use a user name to send email via "smtp.ulg.ac.be" on your computer, please enter that user name. Just press ENTER if you don't need a user name. > Default preferences file written. To reconfigure, re-run reportbug with the "--configure" option. *** Unable to import urwid interface: Please install the python-urwid package to use this interface. Falling back to text interface. *** ERROR: "Ubuntu" BTS is currently unsupported. Please use "ubuntu-bug" (from the apport package) for reporting bugs in Ubuntu. You can report bugs to Debian by using bts=debian (see reportbug(1)). $ sudo apt-get install python-urwid ... ... ... Processing triggers for python-support ... $ reportbug --bts=debian And that was quite basic, but it worked. Well, I hope.