Hi Just installed Wireshark and asked about being able to capture as user I answered SI(YES) but I didn't have any interface to capture from when I ran it later I ran as root to check if it was permission, and it was because all the interfaces were available Then I tried with with the command 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common' , to redo and check I answered SI(YES) and the problem continued Ran again 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common' , but now I choose NO. And worked like should worked choosing SI(YES) Don't know if this happen with other languages but at least in Spanish is turned around -- What you expected to happen: When I choose to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common' and choose NO. Only the root user can capture packets. And when I choose to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common' and choose SI(YES). All the users (root and non-root) can capture packets. What happened instead: When I choose to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common' and choose NO. All the users (root and non-root) can capture packets. And when I choose to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common' and choose SI(YES). Only the root user can capture packets. -- $ cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=elementary DISTRIB_RELEASE=5.0 DISTRIB_CODENAME=juno DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="elementary OS 5.0 Juno" $ cat /etc/os-release NAME="elementary OS" VERSION="5.0 Juno" ID=elementary ID_LIKE=ubuntu PRETTY_NAME="elementary OS 5.0 Juno" VERSION_ID="5.0" HOME_URL="https://elementary.io/" SUPPORT_URL="https://elementary.io/support" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://github.com/elementary/appcenter/issues/new" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://elementary.io/privacy-policy" VERSION_CODENAME=juno UBUNTU_CODENAME=bionic $ cat /etc/upstream-release/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04 LTS" $ cat /var/log/installer/media-info elementary OS 5.0 "Juno" - Stable amd64 (20181016) $ wireshark --version Wireshark 2.6.3 (Git v2.6.3 packaged as 2.6.3-1~ubuntu18.04.1) Copyright 1998-2018 Gerald Combs