Activity log for bug #1327716

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2014-06-08 06:12:28 virusboy bug added bug
2014-06-08 06:14:53 virusboy description I had installed VirtualBox via USC. At which point, didn't need it and via Terminal `sudo apt-get remove virtualbox`. I didn't need to confirm at the time that it had been removed. The Terminal at this point went through the uninstall and showed that all the packages had been removed. Then about two weeks to today, I `sudo apt-get install virtualbox` It installs, no issue. I need some extenstions, so I download them, the apturl point to VB, allowing me to transfer access so VB can install it. However, the one installed from the USC had been the one promted to cover the install of extentions. Both were the same version. Using kernel 3.14.1 on Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04) LTS. I had installed VirtualBox via USC. At which point, didn't need it and via Terminal `sudo apt-get remove virtualbox`. I didn't need to confirm at the time that it had been removed. The Terminal at this point went through the uninstall and showed that all the packages had been removed. Then about two weeks to today, I `sudo apt-get install virtualbox` It installs, no issue. I need some extenstions, so I download them, the apturl point to VB, allowing me to transfer access so VB can install it. However, the one installed from the USC had been the one promted to cover the install of extentions. Both were the same version. When I noticed this error, I uninstalled the USC one. Now the system believes that VB no longer exists when it target install from Terminal points to /root. Using kernel 3.14.1 on Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04) LTS.