2006-10-29 22:48:18 |
Zenkalia |
bug |
added bug |
2006-10-30 05:28:04 |
towsonu2003 |
None: statusexplanation |
2006-10-30 05:28:15 |
towsonu2003 |
title |
my swap disappeared |
my swap disappeared after upgrade to edgy |
2006-10-30 16:10:14 |
Michael Vogt |
update-manager: statusexplanation |
This sounds like something went wrong when the UUIDs were added to the fstab. |
2006-11-01 13:01:42 |
Scott James Remnant (Canonical) |
udev: statusexplanation |
This sounds like something went wrong when the UUIDs were added to the fstab. |
mkswap obviously writes a new UUID to the partition |
2006-11-01 13:01:48 |
Scott James Remnant (Canonical) |
marked as duplicate |
66637 |