Activity log for bug #1673258

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2017-03-15 20:59:11 Barry Warsaw bug added bug
2017-03-15 20:59:19 Barry Warsaw nominated for series Ubuntu Aa-series
2017-03-15 20:59:19 Barry Warsaw bug task added aptdaemon (Ubuntu Aa-series)
2017-03-15 21:07:32 Barry Warsaw bug task added zeroinstall-injector (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:08:21 Barry Warsaw bug task added dell-recovery (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:08:56 Barry Warsaw bug task added update-notifier (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:09:20 Barry Warsaw bug task added apturl (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:09:43 Barry Warsaw bug task added gnome-software (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:10:15 Barry Warsaw bug task added language-selector (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:10:53 Barry Warsaw bug task added lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:11:27 Barry Warsaw bug task added mythbuntu-control-centre (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:11:54 Barry Warsaw bug task added ubiquity (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:12:29 Barry Warsaw bug task added sessioninstaller (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:13:05 Barry Warsaw bug task added software-properties (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:13:41 Barry Warsaw bug task added ubuntu-mate-meta (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:14:06 Barry Warsaw bug task added ubuntu-mate-welcome (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 21:14:35 Barry Warsaw bug task added update-manager (Ubuntu)
2017-03-15 22:34:26 Jeremy Bícha description aptdaemon is abandoned and unmaintained. It has already been dropped from Debian, but there are several reverse dependencies keeping it in Ubuntu. I will add bug tasks for each of those dependencies, which should be ported or dropped themselves. Then we can get rid of aptdaemon too. See this mailing list thread for more details: aptdaemon is abandoned and unmaintained. It has already been dropped from Debian, but there are several reverse dependencies keeping it in Ubuntu. I will add bug tasks for each of those dependencies, which should be ported or dropped themselves. Then we can get rid of aptdaemon too. See this mailing list thread for more details:
2017-03-18 21:55:34 Luke Horwell bug added subscriber Luke Horwell
2017-03-20 02:06:24 Jeremy Bícha zeroinstall-injector (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released
2017-03-20 02:06:56 Jeremy Bícha bug task deleted zeroinstall-injector (Ubuntu Aa-series)
2017-03-20 02:11:05 Jeremy Bícha zeroinstall-injector (Ubuntu): status Fix Released Triaged
2017-04-12 20:36:55 Jeremy Bícha zeroinstall-injector (Ubuntu): status Triaged Fix Released
2017-04-18 13:36:44 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos bug added subscriber Adolfo Jayme
2017-04-21 05:33:28 shankao bug added subscriber shankao
2017-06-22 15:42:08 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted update-notifier (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:42:15 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted update-manager (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:42:23 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted ubuntu-mate-welcome (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:42:48 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted ubuntu-mate-meta (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:42:55 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted ubiquity (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:43:02 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted software-properties (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:43:15 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted sessioninstaller (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:43:23 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted mythbuntu-control-centre (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:43:48 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:43:57 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted language-selector (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:44:03 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted aptdaemon (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:44:21 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted apturl (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:44:38 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted dell-recovery (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-06-22 15:44:44 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted gnome-software (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-07-27 19:14:11 Mario Limonciello dell-recovery (Ubuntu): status New Fix Committed
2017-08-03 15:18:43 Jeremy Bícha gnome-software (Ubuntu): status New Fix Committed
2017-08-30 21:39:15 Robert Ancell gnome-software (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Medium
2017-09-02 03:16:04 Simon Quigley bug added subscriber Ubuntu Package Archive Administrators
2017-11-03 15:57:55 Adam Conrad lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released
2017-11-03 15:57:55 Adam Conrad lubuntu-software-center (Ubuntu): assignee Adam Conrad (adconrad)
2017-11-03 16:18:29 Jeremy Bícha mythbuntu-control-centre (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released
2018-01-25 23:11:00 Timo Aaltonen dell-recovery (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2018-01-25 23:11:30 Timo Aaltonen gnome-software (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2018-02-28 01:40:40 Martin Wimpress  ubuntu-mate-meta (Ubuntu): status New In Progress
2018-02-28 01:42:55 Martin Wimpress  ubuntu-mate-meta (Ubuntu): status In Progress Fix Committed
2018-02-28 01:42:55 Martin Wimpress  ubuntu-mate-meta (Ubuntu): assignee Martin Wimpress (flexiondotorg)
2018-02-28 03:05:52 Launchpad Janitor ubuntu-mate-meta (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2018-03-26 14:55:21 Julian Andres Klode software-properties (Ubuntu): assignee Julian Andres Klode (juliank)
2018-12-30 03:20:05 Logan Rosen description aptdaemon is abandoned and unmaintained. It has already been dropped from Debian, but there are several reverse dependencies keeping it in Ubuntu. I will add bug tasks for each of those dependencies, which should be ported or dropped themselves. Then we can get rid of aptdaemon too. See this mailing list thread for more details: aptdaemon is abandoned and unmaintained. It has already been dropped from Debian, but there are several reverse dependencies keeping it in Ubuntu. I will add bug tasks for each of those dependencies, which should be ported or dropped themselves. Then we can get rid of aptdaemon too. See this mailing list thread for more details:
2019-01-08 13:25:08 ash bug added subscriber Josh Holland
2019-04-17 19:00:11 Steve Langasek bug added subscriber Julian Andres Klode
2019-04-17 19:00:13 Steve Langasek removed subscriber Ubuntu Package Archive Administrators
2019-04-17 23:31:10 Martin Wimpress  ubuntu-mate-welcome (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Wishlist
2019-04-17 23:31:10 Martin Wimpress  ubuntu-mate-welcome (Ubuntu): status New Opinion
2019-04-18 08:59:23 Julian Andres Klode software-properties (Ubuntu): status New In Progress
2019-04-26 12:04:36 Launchpad Janitor software-properties (Ubuntu): status In Progress Fix Released
2021-08-02 19:17:21 Julian Andres Klode sessioninstaller (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released
2021-08-02 19:17:45 Julian Andres Klode bug task added oem-config (Ubuntu)
2021-08-02 19:18:14 Julian Andres Klode bug task added lubuntu-update-notifier (Ubuntu)