I found the root cause. Unity uses legacy keygrabber code depending on xdg env variable DESKTOP_SESSION. But since artful DESKTOP_SESSION is "unity" and not "ubuntu".
The fix is in unity7-desktop ppa.
In 18.10, add the ppa (ppa:unity7maintainers/unity7-desktop)and upgrade unity-settings-daemon and libunity-settings-daemon.
Now all shortcuts works as expected.
Note: The ppa also the fix for sharing panel.
I found the root cause. Unity uses legacy keygrabber code depending on xdg env variable DESKTOP_SESSION. But since artful DESKTOP_SESSION is "unity" and not "ubuntu".
The fix is in unity7-desktop ppa.
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~unity7mai ntainers/ +archive/ ubuntu/ unity7- desktop
In 18.10, add the ppa (ppa:unity7main tainers/ unity7- desktop) and upgrade unity-settings- daemon and libunity- settings- daemon.
Now all shortcuts works as expected.
Note: The ppa also the fix for sharing panel.