From an IRC conversation that I had with mpt a while back (a year or two ago, now), we settled on the following definition. I added the definition and the usage notes to the Ubuntu Manual Style Guide:
The menu bar is the bar along the top of the screen. It contains the window title, window menus, application status menus, and system status menus. While it is colloquially referred to as the top bar or the top panel, it should only be referred to as "menu bar" in the manual. (Note that the "menu bar" used to be a single word, "menubar". "Menu bar" should now be two words, however.)
If the names of any of these UI elements have changed, I'd like to know. I'd like to have the manual, system docs, and user interface be consistent. We should settle on canonical names for these elements and file bugs against those that deviate from them.
From an IRC conversation that I had with mpt a while back (a year or two ago, now), we settled on the following definition. I added the definition and the usage notes to the Ubuntu Manual Style Guide:
The menu bar is the bar along the top of the screen. It contains the window title, window menus, application status menus, and system status menus. While it is colloquially referred to as the top bar or the top panel, it should only be referred to as "menu bar" in the manual. (Note that the "menu bar" used to be a single word, "menubar". "Menu bar" should now be two words, however.)
If the names of any of these UI elements have changed, I'd like to know. I'd like to have the manual, system docs, and user interface be consistent. We should settle on canonical names for these elements and file bugs against those that deviate from them.