ufw (0.36-2~ubuntu2) focal; urgency=medium
* 0008-fix-check-requirements-again.patch: update for python3.8
ufw (0.36-2~ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
* 0002-fix-check-requirements.patch: work with later python3
* add preliminary autopkgtest (with dh-python Depends thanks to Matthias
* debian/rules: don't fiddle with's version
* add debian/README.autopkgtest
* 0003-lp1838764.patch: common: add direction when no interfaces specified
in get_app_tuple() (LP: #1838764, Closes: 931125)
* 0004-make-root-tests-chain-order-agnostic.patch: call iptables -n -L
<primary> to account for newer iptables
* remove python2 support (Closes: 938746):
- debian/control:
+ Drop Build-Deps on python
+ remove python-ufw
- debian/rules: drop python2 support and tests
- debian/tests/control: update unittest target for Depends and comment
- 0005-use-only-python3.patch: use python3 with
* update path search order to look in /usr/sbin first (Closes: 921680)
- 0006-bug921680.patch: look for iptables in /usr/sbin first
- 0007-bug921680-pt2.patch: src/ search for iptables when exe is
not specified
* debian/source/lintian-overrides: 'ufw source: no-dh-sequencer' to continue
support for building on older releases
-- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> Sun, 16 Feb 2020 14:52:29 +0000