Created attachment 354517
screenshot of luks devices in nautilus
Description of problem:
Nautilus shows icons for LUKS devices in the 'computer' view. These devices are LVM volumes within a partition on the internal disk of a laptop. They are unlocked and the file systems within are mounted as /home and swap.
The LUKS block devices should not be shown in this view as there is nothing you can reasonably do with them.
They are also extremely confusing when you are just trying to navigate your root file system and your USB drives.
In the attached screenshot from my laptop the confusion is aggravated by the crazy-long name given to the first partition on the disk with contains the original old windows install. But it could be worse. The other day I installed Fedora 11 onto a new Eeepc for someone. The existing disk layout happened to have a second NTFS partition for Windows snapshots, plus a recovery partition. I installed into the snapshot partition. The end result was 2 'padlock' disks, 2 '160GB ATA 12345...' disks, and 'Filesystem'. I found it difficult to explain which bits were to never be touched.
Anyway, at a minimum, the LUKS devices should not be shown for / or /home which you are extremely unlikely to want to unmount.
This problem surfaced in F10. F9 was OK. It is now present in F11.
Created attachment 354517
screenshot of luks devices in nautilus
Description of problem:
Nautilus shows icons for LUKS devices in the 'computer' view. These devices are LVM volumes within a partition on the internal disk of a laptop. They are unlocked and the file systems within are mounted as /home and swap.
The LUKS block devices should not be shown in this view as there is nothing you can reasonably do with them.
They are also extremely confusing when you are just trying to navigate your root file system and your USB drives.
In the attached screenshot from my laptop the confusion is aggravated by the crazy-long name given to the first partition on the disk with contains the original old windows install. But it could be worse. The other day I installed Fedora 11 onto a new Eeepc for someone. The existing disk layout happened to have a second NTFS partition for Windows snapshots, plus a recovery partition. I installed into the snapshot partition. The end result was 2 'padlock' disks, 2 '160GB ATA 12345...' disks, and 'Filesystem'. I found it difficult to explain which bits were to never be touched.
Anyway, at a minimum, the LUKS devices should not be shown for / or /home which you are extremely unlikely to want to unmount.
This problem surfaced in F10. F9 was OK. It is now present in F11.