Activity log for bug #1451225

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-05-03 17:02:32 Andrew Hayzen bug added bug
2015-05-11 05:00:10 Zsombor Egri ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Medium
2015-05-11 05:00:12 Zsombor Egri ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu): assignee Zsombor Egri (zsombi)
2015-05-11 05:00:16 Zsombor Egri ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2015-07-14 10:30:25 Zsombor Egri bug task added ubuntu-ux
2015-07-14 11:35:33 Zsombor Egri ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu): status Confirmed In Progress
2015-07-14 11:35:40 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listitem_surudark
2015-07-14 11:37:20 Zsombor Egri ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu): importance Medium High
2015-07-17 13:32:35 Olga Kemmet summary Cannot set background colour for overflow of leading/trailing actions [SDK] Cannot set background colour for overflow of leading/trailing actions
2015-07-17 13:33:25 Olga Kemmet ubuntu-ux: importance Undecided High
2015-07-17 13:34:04 Olga Kemmet ubuntu-ux: assignee Jouni Helminen (jounihelminen)
2015-07-22 14:03:22 Magdalena Mirowicz ubuntu-ux: status New Triaged
2015-07-22 19:38:06 Zsombor Egri ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu): status In Progress Fix Committed
2015-08-03 10:25:09 Jouni Helminen ubuntu-ux: status Triaged Fix Committed
2015-08-03 10:27:29 Jouni Helminen description In music we use dark colours for the listitem background and therefore the background of the actions. With the 'new' listitems you can set the colour of the action by putting it inside a Rectangle. However I have been unable to set the colour if you 'pull' too far, it appears as white in this case. I have created a mini app here [0], if you open the application and drag a listitem to the left you will notice that the action appears, with a background colour set, but then if the user pulls too far it turns to white. (I assume it is the same with the leading actions if you didn't want them to have a red background) Is there anyway we can set this colour? 0 - [Update] we are setting a better default value for the bgcolour for now (with 20% lighter background) which should work on the dark theme. As Zsombor also pointed out, you can customise the background with a custom theme: "The solution is for you to provide your own theme, where you override the ListItemStyle and set the colour of the trailing panel accordingly." ------------------------------------------- In music we use dark colours for the listitem background and therefore the background of the actions. With the 'new' listitems you can set the colour of the action by putting it inside a Rectangle. However I have been unable to set the colour if you 'pull' too far, it appears as white in this case. I have created a mini app here [0], if you open the application and drag a listitem to the left you will notice that the action appears, with a background colour set, but then if the user pulls too far it turns to white. (I assume it is the same with the leading actions if you didn't want them to have a red background) Is there anyway we can set this colour? 0 -
2015-08-06 14:13:59 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:ubuntu/wily-proposed/ubuntu-ui-toolkit
2015-08-11 20:09:08 Launchpad Janitor ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released