Comment 3 for bug 684052

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package ubiquity - 2.5.12

ubiquity (2.5.12) natty; urgency=low

  [ Mario Limonciello ]
  * Fix oem-config-remove-gtk for changes in AptClient's commit_packages.
    (LP: #708722)

  [ Evan Dandrea ]
  * Update translations from Launchpad.
  * If a session indicator gconf key starts unset, make sure it ends
    that way (LP: #684052).
  * Fix mistake in the cleanup branch merge that broke translations
    (LP: #691671).
  * pc105.tree is included in console-setup now, which speeds up
    ubiquity builds.
  * Detect hostname collisions (LP: #634187).

  [ Colin Watson ]
  * Automatic update of included source packages: clock-setup 0.106ubuntu1,
    console-setup 1.57ubuntu5, partman-basicfilesystems 69ubuntu1,
    partman-efi 23ubuntu1, partman-partitioning 79ubuntu1.
 -- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Fri, 28 Jan 2011 15:06:19 +0000