Comment 8 for bug 544711

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package mythbuntu-live-autostart - 0.40-0ubuntu1

mythbuntu-live-autostart (0.40-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  * Set the replaced file for background to be in
    /usr/share/images/mythbuntu (LP: #550088)
  * Ubiquity remote plugin:
    - Redirect stdin/stdout/stderr while running the lirc generation.
      (LP: #544711)
  * Merge with the ubiquity slideshow for ubuntu.
  * debian/control:
    P/C/R for ubiquity-slideshow.
  * Drop all the svg -> png conversion. Just ship pngs.
  * Rerender all pngs that are shipped.
  * Update all html pages to load images as exact size.
  * Update all html pages to use the new header div and wrap content better.
  * Override the css to not overflow on lists.
  * Add an icon to the documentation page.
 -- Mario Limonciello <email address hidden> Sun, 28 Mar 2010 15:37:21 -0500