tomboy (0.13.5-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- Removed bundled Mono.Addins. Mono.Addins is
now a hard dependency.
- Update printing to use Gtk.Print (#512369, Benjamin Podszun)
Still buggy.
- Fix multi-page printing of exported note HTML (#548198)
- Fix crash when clicking link and browser not set (#569639).
- 64-bit Windows support (#558272, Jay R. Wren).
- Search window position saved on Windows/Mac (#559663).
- Fix lingering tray icon in Windows (#569709, Benjamin Podszun).
- Fix bug with font settings (#559724, Benjamin Podszun).
- Mac MonoDevelop solution now easier to build (Doug Johnston et al).
- Other fixes: #562846 (James Westby) #570917, #570918.
- Additional updates to note printing (#512369, #572024
, Benjamin Podszun).
- Windows installer now requires Novell's GTK# >= 2.12.8 (#569324).
- Increase/Decrease Indent shortcuts now appear in menu
(#570334, Benjamin Podszun).
- No longer writes to disk every 40 seconds (#514434).
- Fixes to note linking (#323845, Florian).
- Add GConf preference for auto-accepting SSL Certs in
WebDAV sync (#531364).
- After succcessfully configuring sync, offer to perform
first sync (#553079).
* debian/control:
- Use libgconf2.24-cil and libgnome2.24-cil (LP: #314516)
- Build-dep on libgnomepanel2.24-cil
- Remove Build-dep on libgnomeprint and libgnomeprintui
- Add Vcs headers
* .bzr-builddeb/default.conf: added
* debian/patches/02_configurable_compiler.patch:
- Removed, merged upstream
-- Pedro Fragoso <email address hidden> Tue, 17 Feb 2009 03:08:19 +0000