I now receive the following error message when syncing:
[ERROR]: Synchronization failed with the following exception: A note with this title already exists: Anteckningsmall för Xelerated (old)
at Tomboy.NoteManager.CreateNewNote (System.String title, System.String xml_content, System.String guid) [0x00000]
at Tomboy.NoteManager.CreateNewNote (System.String title, System.String guid) [0x00000]
at Tomboy.NoteManager.CreateWithGuid (System.String title, System.String guid) [0x00000]
at Tomboy.Sync.SyncManager+<CreateNoteInMainThread>c__AnonStorey7.<>m__A (System.Object , System.EventArgs ) [0x00000]
I now receive the following error message when syncing:
[ERROR]: Synchronization failed with the following exception: A note with this title already exists: Anteckningsmall för Xelerated (old) NoteManager. CreateNewNote (System.String title, System.String xml_content, System.String guid) [0x00000] NoteManager. CreateNewNote (System.String title, System.String guid) [0x00000] NoteManager. CreateWithGuid (System.String title, System.String guid) [0x00000] Sync.SyncManage r+<CreateNoteIn MainThread> c__AnonStorey7. <>m__A (System.Object , System.EventArgs ) [0x00000]
at Tomboy.
at Tomboy.
at Tomboy.
at Tomboy.
The note neither exists locally or on ubuntu one