sysvinit (2.88dsf-59.10ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian, restoring 6ac609340af19a8d021c5ab8fea50c65241d1d0b:
- When building for Ubuntu, skip all binaries except for sysvinit-utils.
sysvinit (2.88dsf-59.10) unstable; urgency=medium
* Non-maintainer upload.
* The init scripts provided by the bootlogd and initscripts package are
specific to sysvinit/sysv-rc and should not be run when systemd is the
active init system. To ensure that, mask those services by creating a
symlink pointing at /dev/null which tells systemd to ignore those
services. (Closes: #874685)
sysvinit (2.88dsf-59.9) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Martin Pitt ]
* Mark sysvinit-utils as Multi-Arch: foreign, like sysv-rc and initscripts.
[ Michael Biebl ]
* Demote priority of sysv-rc and initscripts to optional.
[ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
* Avoid remounting tmpfs, linprocfs and linsysfs on kFreeBSD
(Closes: #833687). These file systems are not remountable. The
change avoid a warning from mount. Based on Patch from Jon Boden.
[ Ian Jackson ]
* Add myself to Uploaders, as part of adopting the package.
Closes:#811377 (RFA bug).
* Add Benda Xu to Uploaders, as requested in #811377.
[ Ben Hutchings ]
* Keep /usr mounted read-only on shutdown (Closes: #757083)
-- Adam Conrad <email address hidden> Wed, 01 Nov 2017 15:00:29 -0600