Activity log for bug #58404

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2006-08-31 23:07:59 Martin Pool bug added bug
2006-10-04 14:32:30 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) sysvinit: status Unconfirmed Rejected
2006-10-04 14:32:30 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) sysvinit: statusexplanation Either the sulogin manpage has been changed since this bug was filed (which I can find no reference for), or your description of the text is incorrect. It describes the -e option as a fallback for getpwnam() and does not conflict with the Ubuntu behaviour (getpwnam would succeed)
2006-10-04 23:59:22 Martin Pool sysvinit: status Rejected Confirmed
2006-10-04 23:59:22 Martin Pool sysvinit: statusexplanation Either the sulogin manpage has been changed since this bug was filed (which I can find no reference for), or your description of the text is incorrect. It describes the -e option as a fallback for getpwnam() and does not conflict with the Ubuntu behaviour (getpwnam would succeed) It says sulogin checks the root password using the standard method (getpwnam) first. In the default Ubuntu setup, I would expect getpwnam to succeed, but return a value indicating root's password is locked. Surely it does not say root has a blank password? The RootSudo wiki page says that "ubuntu's sulogin is patched to handle the default case of a locked root password". I'm just asking that the manpage be updated to reflect this, e.g. In Ubuntu, sulogin is patched so that it allows login without a password if root's password is locked, which is the system default.
2006-10-05 09:25:46 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) sysvinit: status Confirmed Fix Released
2006-10-05 09:25:46 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) sysvinit: assignee keybuk
2006-10-05 09:25:46 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) sysvinit: statusexplanation It says sulogin checks the root password using the standard method (getpwnam) first. In the default Ubuntu setup, I would expect getpwnam to succeed, but return a value indicating root's password is locked. Surely it does not say root has a blank password? The RootSudo wiki page says that "ubuntu's sulogin is patched to handle the default case of a locked root password". I'm just asking that the manpage be updated to reflect this, e.g. In Ubuntu, sulogin is patched so that it allows login without a password if root's password is locked, which is the system default.