@rbalint how would you feel about - for now - reverting debian/patches/test-expect-mmap-to-fail-in-seccomp-test-on-s390-and-s390.patch and instead also mark __i386__ as failing-to-protect?
That would allow the current combination of systemd&libseccomp in Focal to pass.
Once this issue is sorted out between the upstreams we can adapt as needed.
Well, lets give upstreams some time now - but knowing your opinion on this would be nice.
@rbalint how would you feel about - for now - reverting debian/ patches/ test-expect- mmap-to- fail-in- seccomp- test-on- s390-and- s390.patch and instead also mark __i386__ as failing-to-protect?
That would allow the current combination of systemd&libseccomp in Focal to pass.
Once this issue is sorted out between the upstreams we can adapt as needed.
Well, lets give upstreams some time now - but knowing your opinion on this would be nice.
Furthermore FYI systemd is atm FTFBS on arm64 and needs https:/ /git.launchpad. net/~ubuntu- core-dev/ ubuntu/ +source/ systemd/ commit/ ?h=fix- MemoryDenyWrite Execute- x86-s390- bug-1853852& id=90a9551007b3 7be0c8a2569b918 c33f56649682b