This is less of a bug and more of a nuisance. When choosing to open the given home web site, synaptic attempts to open the epiphany browser, which is not enabled on my system (I don't need a groupware system). It should use whatever browser is default on the system, and not in supervisor state, either.
Description: Ubuntu 15.04 ca.archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ vivid/universe amd64 Packages dpkg/status
Release: 15.04
Installed: 0.81.3
Candidate: 0.81.3
Version table:
*** 0.81.3 0
500 http://
100 /var/lib/
This is less of a bug and more of a nuisance. When choosing to open the given home web site, synaptic attempts to open the epiphany browser, which is not enabled on my system (I don't need a groupware system). It should use whatever browser is default on the system, and not in supervisor state, either.