Activity log for bug #1357728

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2014-08-16 14:35:27 Leonardo Wizenfard de Oliveira bug added bug
2014-08-16 14:35:27 Leonardo Wizenfard de Oliveira attachment added patch baseado nos arquivos do gparted que soluciona o problema
2014-08-16 16:20:15 Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot tags patch
2014-08-16 16:20:22 Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot bug added subscriber Ubuntu Review Team
2014-08-16 19:32:07 Leonardo Wizenfard de Oliveira summary problema na janela de autenticação que exibe texto em inglês, mesmo com as traduções corretas. problem in authentication window that displays text in English, even with the correct translations.
2014-08-16 19:44:29 Leonardo Wizenfard de Oliveira description Problema na autenticação do Synaptic, que o texto "Authentication is required to run the Synaptic Package Manager" não é traduzido para locales UTF-8. Baseado no arquivo de ação pkexec do gparted localizado em "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.ubuntu.pkexec.gparted.policy", fiz um patch em cima do arquivo pkexec "usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.ubuntu.pkexec.synaptic.policy", que corrigiu o problema de idioma. Ao executar o comando "lsb_release -rd": Description: Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn (development branch) Release: 14.10 Ao executar o comando "uname -r" 3.16.0-8-generic Ao executar o comando "apt-cache policy synaptic" synaptic: Instalado: 0.81.2 Candidato: 0.81.2 Tabela de versão: *** 0.81.2 0 500 utopic/universe i386 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status Problem in authentication Synaptic, where text "Authentication is required to run the Synaptic Package Manager" not is translated the language ​​based on UTF-8. Based on file the package gparted located in "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.ubuntu.pkexec.gparted.policy", i made a patch in file "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.ubuntu.pkexec.synaptic.policy", that corrected the language problem. When run the command "lsb_release -rd": Description: Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn (development branch) Release: 14.10 When run the command "uname -r" 3.16.0-8-generic When run the command "apt-cache policy synaptic" synaptic:   Instalado: 0.81.2   Candidato: 0.81.2   Tabela de versão:  *** 0.81.2 0         500 utopic/universe i386 Packages         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
2014-08-16 19:44:39 Leonardo Wizenfard de Oliveira summary problem in authentication window that displays text in English, even with the correct translations. problem in authentication window that displays text in english, even with the correct translations.
2015-08-02 12:24:45 Hans Joachim Desserud marked as duplicate 1260484