sudo (1.8.3p2-1ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
* Merge from debian/testing, remaining changes:
- debian/patches/keep_home_by_default.patch:
+ Set HOME in initial_keepenv_table. (rebased for 1.8.3p1)
- debian/patches/lp927828-fix-abort-in-pam-modules-when-timestamp-valid.patch
+ Fix Abort in some PAM modules when timestamp is valid. (LP: #927828)
- debian/patches/CVE-2012-2337.patch: Don't perform IPv6 checks on IPv4
addresses. Based on upstream patch.
- debian/rules:
+ compile with --without-lecture --with-tty-tickets (Ubuntu specific)
+ install man/man8/sudo_root.8 in both flavours (Ubuntu specific)
+ install apport hooks
+ The ubuntu-sudo-as-admin-successful.patch was taken upstream by
Debian however it requires a --enable-admin-flag configure flag to
actually enable it in both flavours.
- debian/control:
+ Mark Debian Vcs-* as XS-Debian-Vcs-*
+ update debian/control
- debian/sudoers:
+ grant admin group sudo access
- debian/sudo-ldap.dirs, debian/sudo.dirs:
+ add usr/share/apport/package-hooks
- debian/sudo.preinst:
+ avoid conffile prompt by checking for known default /etc/sudoers
and if found installing the correct default /etc/sudoers file.
Modified for updated default sudoers. Aproach taken is different
from Debian. Maybe this should now be dropped, since an LTS was
* Dropped changes:
- debian/patches/CVE-2012-0809.patch:
+ dropped, included in this new upstream release.
- debian/patches/enable_badpass.patch:
+ dropped as Debian chose to set this by default in the sudoers.
sudo (1.8.3p2-1) unstable; urgency=high
* new upstream version, closes: #657985 (CVE-2012-0809)
* patch from Pino Toscano to only use selinux on Linux, closes: #655894
sudo (1.8.3p1-3) unstable; urgency=low
* patch from Moritz Muehlenhoff enables hardened build flags, closes: #655417
* replacement postinst script from Mike Beattie using shell instead of Perl
* include systemd service file from Michael Stapelberg, closes: #639633
* add init.d status support, closes: #641782
* make sudo-ldap package manage a sudoers entry in nsswitch.conf,
closes: #610600, #639530
* enable mail_badpass in the default sudoers file, closes: #641218
* enable selinux support, closes: #655510
sudo (1.8.3p1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* if upgrading from squeeze, and the sudoers file is unmodified, avoid
the packaging system prompting the user about a change they didn't make
now that sudoers is a conffile, closes: #612532, #636049
* add a recommendation for the use of visudo to the sudoers.d/README file,
closes: #648104
-- Dmitrijs Ledkovs <email address hidden> Tue, 01 May 2012 16:12:45 +0100