sudo (1.6.9p9-1ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* Merge with Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/prerm: Abort package removal if there is no root password.
(Debian #451241).
- debian/rules: Disable lecture, enable tty_tickets by default. (Ubuntu
- Add debian/sudo_root.8: Explanation of root handling through sudo.
Install it in debian/rules. (Ubuntu specific)
- sudo.c: If the user successfully authenticated and he is in the 'admin'
group, then create a stamp ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful. Our default bash
profile checks for this and displays a short intro about sudo if the
flag is not present. (Ubuntu specific)
* sudo.c, parse.c: Apply a change that was missing from the older upstream
tarball that fixes the upstream solution of "SETENV is implicit for ALL".
We do not want to deviate our orig.tar.gz from Debian's, though.
sudo (1.6.9p9-1) unstable; urgency=low
* new upstream version
* debian/rules: configure a more informative default password prompt to
reduce confusion when using sudo to invoke commands which also ask for
passwords, closes: #343268
* auth/pam.c: don't use the PAM prompt if the user explicitly requested
a custom prompt, closes: #448628.
* fix configure's ability to discover that libc has dirfd, closes: #451324
* make default editor be /usr/bin/vi instead of /usr/bin/editor, so that
the command 'visudo' invokes a vi variant by default as documented,
closes: #388659
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Tue, 04 Dec 2007 18:07:22 +0100