Docker plugin uses the wrong command for Ubuntu

Bug #1693574 reported by David Coronel
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
sosreport (Debian)
Fix Released
sosreport (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Fix Committed
Eric Desrochers
Fix Committed
Eric Desrochers
Won't Fix
Eric Desrochers
Fix Committed
Eric Desrochers

Bug Description


The docker plugin in sosreport doesn't collect informations for Ubuntu.

In for the Ubuntu Plugin, the docker command is set to ''[1] which seems to be a old workaround that has been removed[2], thus the docker plugin is no longer calling an existing docker binary which as a result doesn't collect docker informations in Ubuntu.

[1]- Plugin :

# Name collision with another package requires docker binary rename
docker_cmd = ''

[2]- package : debian/changelog (1.3.1~dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Remove deprecated /usr/bin/ symlink
- added as a temporary shim in 1.0.0~dfsg1-1 (13 Jun 2014)
- unused by package-installed files in 1.2.0~dfsg1-1 (13 Sep 2014)
-- Tianon Gravi <email address hidden> Fri, 07 Nov 2014 13:11:34 -0700

[Test Case]

# Install sosreport from the Ubuntu archive
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install sosreport

# Install Docker from the Ubuntu archive
$ apt-get install

# Run sosreport with docker plugin only or all loaded plugins (for the sake of testing docker plugin the "-o" is more appropriate

Docker plugin only :
$ sosreport -o docker

All loaded plugins:
$ sosreport -a

# Extract the sosreport*.tar.xz file generated by the above command found in /tmp and verify that information is gathered properly

[Regression Potential]

No regression, this is a trivial fix that will allow sosreport to start collecting the docker informations again.

If for some reasons, a regression is found, it would be 100% limited to docker plugin of sosreport and not affecting the functionality the core functionality nor other plugins.

[Other Info]

Additional informations about the context can be found here :

* Upstream Bug

* Pull Request

* Debian Bug :
(Patch submitted to Debian on June 2 2017)

* Ubuntu Bug :
Working on a backport into stable release (SRU) which will include this change via (LP: #1734983).

[Original Description]

This Launchpad bug is based on an existing GitHub bug[1].

The docker plugin is currently broken in sosreport. In[2] for Ubuntu the docker command is set to ''.

    docker_cmd = ''

The package used to have a binary but this was reverted in this debian/changelog from Ubuntu Xenial/16.04 (LTS): (1.3.1~dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
    * Remove deprecated /usr/bin/ symlink
      - added as a temporary shim in 1.0.0~dfsg1-1 (13 Jun 2014)
      - unused by package-installed files in 1.2.0~dfsg1-1 (13 Sep 2014)
   -- Tianon Gravi <email address hidden> Fri, 07 Nov 2014 13:11:34 -0700

The Docker Community and Enterprise Editions (docker-ce and docker-ee packages) also use the plain docker binary and this change is necessary to make the sosreport docker module work again.

There are currently two different pull requests that fix this issue:

We should SRU this fix once one of them is accepted.


Eric Desrochers (slashd)
description: updated
David Coronel (davecore)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Trusty):
assignee: nobody → David Coronel (davecore)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Xenial):
assignee: nobody → David Coronel (davecore)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Yakkety):
assignee: nobody → David Coronel (davecore)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
assignee: nobody → David Coronel (davecore)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Artful):
assignee: nobody → David Coronel (davecore)
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Trusty):
importance: Undecided → Medium
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Xenial):
importance: Undecided → Medium
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Yakkety):
importance: Undecided → Medium
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
importance: Undecided → Medium
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Artful):
importance: Undecided → Medium
description: updated
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
description: updated
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
description: updated
description: updated
Changed in sosreport (Debian):
status: Unknown → Confirmed
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
description: updated
Changed in sosreport:
status: Unknown → New
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Xenial):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Yakkety):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Artful):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Revision history for this message
Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :

Debdiff for Xenial

Revision history for this message
Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :

Debdiff for Yakkety

Revision history for this message
Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :

Debdiff for Zesty

tags: added: patch
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
description: updated
tags: added: sts sts-sru-needed
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Xenial):
status: New → Confirmed
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Yakkety):
status: New → Confirmed
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
status: New → Confirmed
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Artful):
status: New → Confirmed
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Trusty):
status: New → Confirmed
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
tags: removed: sts-sru-needed
Changed in sosreport:
status: New → Fix Released
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Artful):
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Yakkety):
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Xenial):
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Trusty):
status: Confirmed → In Progress
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Yakkety):
status: In Progress → Won't Fix
Revision history for this message
Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :

Debdiff for Artful (Devel release)

no longer affects: sosreport (Ubuntu Yakkety)
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Artful):
assignee: Eric Desrochers (slashd) → David Coronel (davecore)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
assignee: Eric Desrochers (slashd) → David Coronel (davecore)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Xenial):
assignee: Eric Desrochers (slashd) → David Coronel (davecore)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu):
assignee: Eric Desrochers (slashd) → David Coronel (davecore)
Revision history for this message
Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :

The fix for this particular bug is now found in Debian and bionic-proposed (devel release) with version 3.5-1 (until the autopkgtest finishes)

sosreport (3.4-1 to 3.5-1)
Maintainer: Louis Bouchard
0 days old
autopkgtest for sosreport/3.5-1: amd64: Pass, arm64: Test in progress, armhf: Pass, i386: Pass, ppc64el: Pass, s390x: Pass
Not considered

# rmadison
 sosreport | 3.4-1 | bionic | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x
 sosreport | 3.5-1 | bionic-proposed | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x

Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → nobody
status: In Progress → Fix Released
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Trusty):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Xenial):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Artful):
assignee: David Coronel (davecore) → Eric Desrochers (slashd)
Changed in sosreport (Debian):
status: Confirmed → Fix Released
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
description: updated
Eric Desrochers (slashd)
description: updated
description: updated
Revision history for this message
Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :

The bugfix for this particular bug will be included in the sosreport v3.5 backport effort in progress via :

LP: #1734983
Request to backport sosreport v3.5

- Eric

Revision history for this message
Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :

This bug is fixed with packages:


The above packages should land in -proposed in few hours (once the build farm and autopkgtest infra maintenance is done)


LP: #1734983
Request to backport sosreport v3.5

@davecore, can you perform the verification during the testing phase ?

- Eric

Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Artful):
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Xenial):
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Trusty):
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
David Coronel (davecore)
description: updated
David Coronel (davecore)
description: updated
Revision history for this message
David Coronel (davecore) wrote :
Download full text (3.7 KiB)

I tested the packages in trusty, xenial, zesty and artful. The Docker plugin runs well and gathers the expected information for Docker:


root@trustysosreport:/tmp/sosreport-trustysosreport-20180115193757# ls sos_commands/docker/
docker_images docker_inspect_c800e07175bf docker_network_ls docker_ps_-a docker_stats_--no-stream journalctl_--no-pager_--unit_docker
docker_info docker_inspect_efc145e48b1e docker_ps docker_ps_-as docker_version ls_-alhR_.etc.docker

root@trustysosreport:/tmp/sosreport-trustysosreport-20180115193757# dpkg -l | grep -i sosreport
ii sosreport 3.5-1~ubuntu14.04.1 amd64 Set of tools to gather troubleshooting data from a system

root@trustysosreport:/tmp/sosreport-trustysosreport-20180115193757# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty


root@xenialsosreport:/tmp/sosreport-xenialsosreport-20180115193800# ls sos_commands/docker/
docker_images docker_inspect_3f8a4339aadd docker_network_inspect_bridge docker_network_inspect_none docker_ps docker_ps_-as docker_version ls_-alhR_.etc.docker
docker_info docker_inspect_60b785b1981b docker_network_inspect_host docker_network_ls docker_ps_-a docker_stats_--no-stream journalctl_--no-pager_--unit_docker

root@xenialsosreport:/tmp/sosreport-xenialsosreport-20180115193800# dpkg -l | grep -i sosreport
ii sosreport 3.5-1~ubuntu16.04.1 amd64 Set of tools to gather troubleshooting data from a system

root@xenialsosreport:/tmp/sosreport-xenialsosreport-20180115193800# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial


root@zestysosreport:/tmp/sosreport-zestysosreport-20180115193803# ls sos_commands/docker/
docker_images docker_inspect_3f8a4339aadd docker_network_inspect_bridge docker_network_inspect_none docker_ps docker_ps_-as docker_version ls_-alhR_.etc.docker
docker_info docker_inspect_f35ad9f7545c docker_network_inspect_host docker_network_ls docker_ps_-a docker_stats_--no-stream journalctl_--no-pager_--unit_docker

root@zestysosreport:/tmp/sosreport-zestysosreport-20180115193803# dpkg -l | grep -i sosreport
ii sosreport 3.5-1~ubuntu17.04.1 amd64 Set of tools to gather troubleshooting data from a system

root@zestysosreport:/tmp/sosreport-zestysosreport-20180115193803# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 17.04
Release: 17.04
Codename: zesty


root@artfulsosreport:/tmp/sosreport-artfulsosreport-20180115193802# ls sos_commands/docker/
docker_images docker_inspect_3f8a4339aadd docker_network_inspect_bridge docker_network_inspect_none docker_ps docker_ps_-as docker_version ls_-alhR_.etc.docker
docker_info docker_in...


Eric Desrochers (slashd)
tags: added: verification-needed verification-needed-artful verification-needed-trusty verification-needed-xenial
removed: patch
tags: added: verification-done-artful verification-done-trusty verification-done-xenial
removed: verification-needed-artful verification-needed-trusty verification-needed-xenial
tags: added: verification-done
removed: verification-needed
Changed in sosreport (Ubuntu Zesty):
status: Fix Committed → Won't Fix
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