simplejson 3.17.6-1build1 source package in Ubuntu


simplejson (3.17.6-1build1) jammy; urgency=medium

  * No-change rebuild with Python 3.10 only

 -- Graham Inggs <email address hidden>  Thu, 17 Mar 2022 20:12:40 +0000

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Graham Inggs
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian Python Team
any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Kinetic release main python
Jammy release main python


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
simplejson_3.17.6.orig.tar.gz 81.2 KiB cf98038d2abf63a1ada5730e91e84c642ba6c225b0198c3684151b1f80c5f8a6
simplejson_3.17.6-1build1.debian.tar.xz 6.6 KiB 2521ac9dd371315e9778f4025a951079d0a693b88b66799a029e1e0606eef7ea
simplejson_3.17.6-1build1.dsc 2.2 KiB 7a05efff05f78326e89477724c6e3f864f8e55736bd185030c78e33db6d554b1

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Binary packages built by this source

python-simplejson-doc: simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python - documentation

 simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible JSON
 <> encoder and decoder.
 The encoder may be subclassed to provide serialization in any kind of
 situation, without any special support by the objects to be serialized
 (somewhat like pickle).
 The decoder can handle incoming JSON strings of any specified encoding
 (UTF-8 by default).
 simplejson is the externally maintained development version of the json
 library included with Python 2.6 and Python 3.0, but maintains backwards
 compatibility with Python 2.5.
 This package contains documentation.

python3-simplejson: simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3.x

 simplejson is a simple, fast, complete, correct and extensible JSON
 <> encoder and decoder.
 The encoder may be subclassed to provide serialization in any kind of
 situation, without any special support by the objects to be serialized
 (somewhat like pickle).
 The decoder can handle incoming JSON strings of any specified encoding
 (UTF-8 by default).
 simplejson is the externally maintained development version of the json
 library included with Python 2.6 and Python 3.0, but maintains backwards
 compatibility with Python 2.5.
 This package contains the Python 3.x module.

python3-simplejson-dbgsym: debug symbols for python3-simplejson