Hi Steve, I really don't know. I did a clean install of xubuntu 18.10 (for testing purposes) on an existing partition on a laptop which also has 18.04 on another partition. That 18.10 installation ended with an error at the very end (ubiquity complained about not being able to install grub 2). Ubiquity seems to have decided that it was installing on a uefi-machine. Ever since then every update complains about shim-signed and grub-efi-amd64-signed. You'll find more bugs reported by me about shim and grub-efi. I'm just an end user, I did not knowingly do anything to install shim or grub-efi. Don't know what they are, really. Is there anything more I can provide to help? Op vr 1 jun. 2018 21:30 schreef Steve Langasek <