Activity log for bug #1461559

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-06-03 14:00:27 bugproxy bug added bug
2015-06-03 14:00:29 bugproxy tags architecture-ppc64le bugnameltc-124874 severity-high targetmilestone-inin14043
2015-06-03 14:00:30 bugproxy attachment added License: Grant permission to link with librtas library
2015-06-03 14:00:31 bugproxy attachment added Do not link to librtas and librtasevents library
2015-06-03 16:20:51 Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot tags architecture-ppc64le bugnameltc-124874 severity-high targetmilestone-inin14043 architecture-ppc64le bot-comment bugnameltc-124874 severity-high targetmilestone-inin14043
2015-06-03 21:53:37 Steve Langasek ubuntu: milestone ubuntu-14.04.3
2015-06-03 21:53:37 Steve Langasek ubuntu: assignee Adam Conrad (adconrad)
2015-07-20 12:42:36 Thierry FAUCK ubuntu: status New Confirmed
2015-07-31 17:17:00 Adam Conrad affects ubuntu servicelog (Ubuntu)
2015-08-05 15:39:22 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre servicelog (Ubuntu): assignee Adam Conrad (adconrad) Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (mathieu-tl)
2015-08-05 15:39:24 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre servicelog (Ubuntu): status Confirmed In Progress
2015-08-05 15:39:26 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre servicelog (Ubuntu): importance Undecided High
2015-08-05 16:36:46 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre nominated for series Ubuntu Trusty
2015-08-05 16:36:46 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre bug task added servicelog (Ubuntu Trusty)
2015-08-05 16:36:53 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre servicelog (Ubuntu Trusty): status New In Progress
2015-08-05 16:36:55 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre servicelog (Ubuntu Trusty): importance Undecided High
2015-08-05 16:36:57 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre servicelog (Ubuntu Trusty): assignee Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (mathieu-tl)
2015-08-05 16:37:00 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre servicelog (Ubuntu): status In Progress Fix Released
2015-08-05 16:37:03 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre servicelog (Ubuntu): assignee Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (mathieu-tl)
2015-08-05 17:01:43 Chris J Arges servicelog (Ubuntu Trusty): status In Progress Fix Committed
2015-08-05 17:01:44 Chris J Arges bug added subscriber Ubuntu Stable Release Updates Team
2015-08-05 17:01:46 Chris J Arges bug added subscriber SRU Verification
2015-08-05 17:01:54 Chris J Arges tags architecture-ppc64le bot-comment bugnameltc-124874 severity-high targetmilestone-inin14043 architecture-ppc64le bot-comment bugnameltc-124874 severity-high targetmilestone-inin14043 verification-needed
2015-08-05 17:24:32 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:ubuntu/trusty-proposed/servicelog
2015-08-05 19:29:42 Fernando Seiti Furusato tags architecture-ppc64le bot-comment bugnameltc-124874 severity-high targetmilestone-inin14043 verification-needed architecture-ppc64le bot-comment bugnameltc-124874 severity-high targetmilestone-inin14043 verification-done
2015-08-11 21:57:15 Launchpad Janitor servicelog (Ubuntu Trusty): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2015-08-11 21:57:18 Adam Conrad removed subscriber Ubuntu Stable Release Updates Team