* Run as rsyslog:rsyslog (LP: #250827, LP: #388608)
- debian/control: Depend on adduser
- debian/rsyslog.postinst: Create syslog user
- debian/rsyslog.postrm: Delete syslog user on purge
- debian/rsyslog.conf: Use DropPriv config fields
* Allow reading /proc/kmsg when non-root
- debian/rsyslog.init: Spawn a dd instance that shovels the /proc/kmsg
data to a pipe that rsyslog can read (based on Martin Pitt's similar
change to sysklogd).
- debian/patches/deroot.patch: Support a KLogPath config field
to change where the klog plugin looks and only start input modules
after we drop privileges, as reading when root interferes with
future reads as syslog.
- debian/rsyslog.conf: Use KLogPath field to point to dd pipe
* Cleanly upgrade from sysklogd
- debian/default.conf, debian/rsyslog.conf:
Break out the default rules into their own config file
- debian/rsyslog.install: Install it in /usr/share/rsyslog
- debian/rsyslog.postinst: If present, copy /etc/syslog.conf into
/etc/rsyslog.d/default.conf. Then merge our own default.conf
-- Michael Terry <email address hidden> Mon, 29 Jun 2009 08:37:43 -0400
This bug was fixed in the package rsyslog - 4.2.0-1ubuntu1
rsyslog (4.2.0-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* Run as rsyslog:rsyslog (LP: #250827, LP: #388608) rsyslog. postinst: Create syslog user rsyslog. postrm: Delete syslog user on purge rsyslog. conf: Use DropPriv config fields rsyslog. init: Spawn a dd instance that shovels the /proc/kmsg patches/ deroot. patch: Support a KLogPath config field rsyslog. conf: Use KLogPath field to point to dd pipe default. conf, debian/ rsyslog. conf: rsyslog. install: Install it in /usr/share/rsyslog rsyslog. postinst: If present, copy /etc/syslog.conf into etc/rsyslog. d/default. conf. Then merge our own default.conf
- debian/control: Depend on adduser
- debian/
- debian/
- debian/
* Allow reading /proc/kmsg when non-root
- debian/
data to a pipe that rsyslog can read (based on Martin Pitt's similar
change to sysklogd).
- debian/
to change where the klog plugin looks and only start input modules
after we drop privileges, as reading when root interferes with
future reads as syslog.
- debian/
* Cleanly upgrade from sysklogd
- debian/
Break out the default rules into their own config file
- debian/
- debian/
-- Michael Terry <email address hidden> Mon, 29 Jun 2009 08:37:43 -0400