reportbug 7.6.0ubuntu1 source package in Ubuntu


reportbug (7.6.0ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
    - bin/reportbug: If bts=ubuntu or unconfigured, exit with an error and
      refer user to "ubuntu-bug" instead.
    - reportbug/ Match reportbug version with package version.
    - debian/control: Add prominent note to package description.
    - debian/{rules,dirs}: Do not install .desktop file.

reportbug (7.6.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Bastian Venthur ]
  * Update to debianbts 2.10
  * replace mock w/ unittest.mock (available since py3.3)

  [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
  * reportbug/
    - allow to fill stretch-pu updates against release.d.o; Closes: #938941

  [ Paul Gevers ]
  * reportbug/
    - Add template to unblock bugs

  [ Nis Martensen ]
  * show name of output file in GTK+ ui; Closes: #941257
  * reportbug/
    - do not show `newcomer` tag in novice mode; Closes: #941961
  * reportbug/ui/
    - fix the total bug count not to be equal only to wishlist bugs;
      Closes: #922014
  * reportbug/
    - query dpkg status with unambiguous package name; Closes: #932383

  [ Fabrice BAUZAC ]
  * reportbug/ui/
    - suggest to install python3-urwid for the urwid UI; Closes: #944562
  * reportbug/ui/
    - suggest to install reportbug-gtk for the GTK+ UI; Closes: #944515

  [ Andrei POPESCU ]
  * Download and use maintainer mbox whenever applicable; Closes: #933765

  [ Sandro Tosi ]
  * doc/README.developers
    - add a section describing why bugscripts are executed with LC_ALL=C;
      Closes: #946326

reportbug (7.5.3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * debian/control
    - replace emacs* Suggests with emacs-bin-common; Closes: #925422
    - bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0 (no changes needed)
    - add sensible-utils dep, patch by Nis Martensen
  * reportbug/
    - when handling ftp.d.o, dont look up package information if the package
      doesnt exist, fixing a crash; Closes: #923631
    - fix a crash with stable version lookup, patch by Nis Martensen;
      Closes: #935602
  * bin/reportbug
    - remove debug code when handling list-cc-me, patch by Josh Triplett
  * reportbug/
    - update release names, following Buster releases, patch by Nicolas
      Braud-Santoni; Closes: #932524, #931609
    - recognize versioned Provides; patch by Nis Martensen; Closes: #934472
  * man/reportbug.1
    - add default for --draftpath; patch by laokz

 -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>  Wed, 05 Feb 2020 01:33:09 +0000

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Logan Rosen
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Focal release universe utils


Focal: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
reportbug_7.6.0ubuntu1.tar.xz 194.0 KiB 266ca37b67c1508eff38f2bb0b800ca2989009c4acae996d95325f99da30b5c6
reportbug_7.6.0ubuntu1.dsc 1.5 KiB 2e30fa266b0a07e5a3957b102f9f6fd604ced65e58c9ed74419d1e98b3a55de7

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

python3-reportbug: Python modules for interacting with bug tracking systems

 reportbug is a tool designed to make the reporting of bugs in Debian
 and derived distributions relatively painless.
 This package includes Python modules which may be reusable by other
 tools that want to interact with the Debian bug tracking system.
 To actually report a bug, install the reportbug package.

reportbug: No summary available for reportbug in ubuntu groovy.

No description available for reportbug in ubuntu groovy.

reportbug-gtk: reports bugs in the Debian distribution (GTK+ UI)

 reportbug is a tool designed to make the reporting of bugs in Debian
 and derived distributions relatively painless. Its features include:
  * Integration with mutt and mh/nmh mail readers.
  * Access to outstanding bug reports to make it easier to identify
    whether problems have already been reported.
  * Automatic checking for newer versions of packages.
  * Optional automatic verification of integrity of packages via debsums.
  * Support for following-up on outstanding reports.
  * Optional PGP/GnuPG integration.
 reportbug is designed to be used on systems with an installed mail
 transport agent, like exim or sendmail; however, you can edit the
 configuration file and send reports using any available mail server.
 This package contains a desktop file and icon, and has dependencies
 to enable the GTK+ UI mode of reportbug to work.