reportbug 6.6.6ubuntu1 source package in Ubuntu


reportbug (6.6.6ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  * Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
    - bin/reportbug: If bts=ubuntu or unconfigured, exit with an error and
      refer user to "ubuntu-bug" instead.
    - reportbug/ Match reportbug version with package version.
    - debian/control: Add prominent note to package description.
    - debian/{rules,dirs}: Do not install .desktop file.

reportbug (6.6.6) unstable; urgency=medium

  * reportbug/
    - Update the SUITES2DISTS mapping for the jessie release; patch by Paul Wise
    - 'Control' pseudo-header can be repeated/present multiple times in the
      report; Closes: #687679
  * man/querybts.1
    - document http_proxy environment variable in querybts manpage; report and
      patch by Jakub Wilk; Closes: #800092
  * Consolidate Debian release codenames handling in a single place, updating
    how release.d.o is using this information; Closes: #804504
  * bin/reportbug
    - rephrase slightly the orphan check warning; Closes: #544624
    - where there are modified conffiles, clarify the menu entry to view such
      files that a "q" is required to exit it, making it more clear in the GTK
      UI; Closes: #732334
    - default '--exitprompt' to False, should avoid a spurious message in GTK UI
      when reporting additional information; Closes: #745514
  * reportbug/
    - in paranoid mode, handle the case when the pager exists without having
      processed all the text we are sending and it generates a SIGPIPE;
      Closes: #777010, #686922
    - decode email addresses when printing the recipients recap at submit time;
      Closes: #546914
    - dont escape a single dot line surrounded by newlines (the End-Of-Message
      in SMTP), it is done by sendmail() automatically; Closes: #808742
    - print the "If you want to provide additional information" text only if an
      email is specified in sysinfo, this prevents a crash if we are sending
      reports to a non-debbugs instance; Closes: #789332
    - save a backup of the bug report, that will prevent data loss in case of
      crash or unexpected errors; Closes: #736214
  * debian/control
    - add dep on 'file' for python-reportbug; Closes: #803764
  * reportbug/ui/
    - dont crash when selecting "Providing additional information" after
      filtering the bugs list more than once; Closes: #804130
  * reportbug/ui/
    - switch from gtkspell (now removed) to gtkspellcheck; Closes: #802387
  * man/querybts.1
    - remove reference to BROWSER env variable, we use xdg-open; Closes: #690759
  * reportbug/
    - remove handling of X11BROWSER and CONSOLEBROWSER, obsolete
    - explicitly set the timeout when requesting a URL, that happens in
      particular when checking for newer versions; Closes: #784840
  * reportbug/ui/*
    - dont crash if we cant access the BTS: Closes: #694634

 -- Logan Rosen <email address hidden>  Fri, 15 Jan 2016 23:33:48 -0500

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Logan Rosen
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Xenial release universe utils


Xenial: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
reportbug_6.6.6ubuntu1.tar.bz2 271.6 KiB ce98ae03bc587bc6afb3700a105a143bb985d9334b8b9dd63fa044d3a6f0eb55
reportbug_6.6.6ubuntu1.dsc 1.6 KiB 4a109ac9b0a2e8727138e93acb4f695f61cdcf7ba28bb20a8293b920f7a104c7

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

python-reportbug: Python modules for interacting with bug tracking systems

 reportbug is a tool designed to make the reporting of bugs in Debian
 and derived distributions relatively painless.
 This package includes Python modules which may be reusable by other
 tools that want to interact with the Debian bug tracking system.
 To actually report a bug, install the reportbug package.

reportbug: No summary available for reportbug in ubuntu zesty.

No description available for reportbug in ubuntu zesty.