You can detect which version of remmina you are using by running this as one command:
sudo apt-get install apt-show-versions ; sudo apt-show-versions remmina
In Ubuntu 14.01 this returns:
remmina:amd64/trusty 1.0.0-4ubuntu3 uptodate
What version is being run in Ubuntu 14.10?
It seems like I tested 14.10 and did not have this bug we are reporting here. I'm hoping we can get the corrected version of Remmina into the 14.01 LTS. Is this likely?
You can detect which version of remmina you are using by running this as one command:
sudo apt-get install apt-show-versions ; sudo apt-show-versions remmina
In Ubuntu 14.01 this returns:
remmina: amd64/trusty 1.0.0-4ubuntu3 uptodate
What version is being run in Ubuntu 14.10?
It seems like I tested 14.10 and did not have this bug we are reporting here. I'm hoping we can get the corrected version of Remmina into the 14.01 LTS. Is this likely?