Comment 10 for bug 346788

Revision history for this message
DWeol (dw-waanco) wrote :

I found a little hack that makes rapache workable again.

When you comment out the line ctx.set_grab(True)
(around line 212 of in function __get_password ) things stop freezing...

This is no real fix of course! but it worked for me but i don't know phyton or ubuntu very well (just installed it)

So i thought i'd share for the impatient and hopefully it gives a clue to the people that do know what they are doing.

if you installed it on ubuntu 9.04 the file is in:

just put a # sign before the line ctx.set_grab(True)
And move Shell.pyc out of the way: mv Shell.pyc Shellorg.pyc

again I am completely new to phyton, so please correct me if i'm wrong...