Activity log for bug #1803984

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2018-11-19 13:17:19 Peppy bug added bug
2018-11-19 13:22:53 Peppy description Xubuntu 18.10 qjackctl 0.4.5-1ubuntu1 audacity 2.2.2-1build1 jackd was launched by qjackctl but would not let Audacity use it. (some other software is affected by this bug too) Those two bugs are now solved and fixed the issue : Thanks for upgrading package version. Xubuntu 18.10 qjackctl 0.4.5-1ubuntu1 audacity 2.2.2-1build1 jackd was launched by qjackctl but would not let Audacity use it. (some other software is affected by this bug too) Those two bugs are now solved, this fixed the issue : Thanks for upgrading package version.