> - If you have a build-dependency which does not result in a runtime
> dependency, but *does* result in code being copied into the final
> package, you must ensure that this code copying is declared using the
> Built-Using header[5]. (This is an uncommon case; the vast majority of
> the affected packages are written in go, where our package toolchain
> handles this automatically today.)
The systemtap dependency may be easier to handle this time around than last time: we've slightly changed the rules about build-dependencies:
https:/ /lists. ubuntu. com/archives/ ubuntu- devel-announce/ 2016-April/ 001179. html
Be sure to pay attention to this point:
> - If you have a build-dependency which does not result in a runtime
> dependency, but *does* result in code being copied into the final
> package, you must ensure that this code copying is declared using the
> Built-Using header[5]. (This is an uncommon case; the vast majority of
> the affected packages are written in go, where our package toolchain
> handles this automatically today.)