python-fasteners 0.12.0-2ubuntu1 source package in Ubuntu


python-fasteners (0.12.0-2ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=low

  * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
    - d/control: Drop BD on sphinx-rtd-theme for Ubuntu MIR; optional
      dependency and no documentation is built as part of this package.

python-fasteners (0.12.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Fixed typo in long description (Closes: #802195).

 -- James Page <email address hidden>  Thu, 04 Feb 2016 16:49:09 +0000

Upload details

Uploaded by:
James Page
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Xenial release main misc


Xenial: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
python-fasteners_0.12.0.orig.tar.xz 19.8 KiB c3b301fb84ba33b2528799e1f7476aed51fef2fa6701e0b97efe7908fbb0a672
python-fasteners_0.12.0-2ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz 2.5 KiB 2d74dd3ee93ac6fd7515e349e2212a3e938600c8ec263bcb76e16606fb243c91
python-fasteners_0.12.0-2ubuntu1.dsc 2.4 KiB 066c958d5fdbbd18bf8acb0055ee20e7ddcc599b54b577f08339dc8c15423f77

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

python-fasteners: provides useful locks - Python 2.7

 Fasteners is a Python package that provides useful locks. It includes locking
 decorator (that acquires instance objects lock(s), acquires on method entry
 and releases on method exit), reader-writer locks, inter-process locks and
 generic lock helpers.
 This package contains the Python 2.7 module.

python3-fasteners: provides useful locks - Python 3.x

 Fasteners is a Python package that provides useful locks. It includes locking
 decorator (that acquires instance objects lock(s), acquires on method entry
 and releases on method exit), reader-writer locks, inter-process locks and
 generic lock helpers.
 This package contains the Python 3.x module.