unable to run two prism instances same time

Bug #461006 reported by Andrei Dziahel
This bug affects 7 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
prism (Ubuntu)
Nominated for Karmic by Andrei Dziahel

Bug Description

Binary package hint: prism

$ lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu 9.10
Release: 9.10

$ LANG="en_US" apt-cache policy prism
  Installed: 1.0~b2+svn20090813r49078-0ubuntu1
  Candidate: 1.0~b2+svn20090813r49078-0ubuntu1
  Version table:
 *** 1.0~b2+svn20090813r49078-0ubuntu1 0
        500 http://ftp.byfly.by karmic/universe Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

0. Prerequisites: prism-google-mail and prism-google-reader packages installed.

1. Steps to reproduce:
1.1. Run prism-google-mail
1.2. Try to run prism-google-reader

2. What I'm expected to happen: new prism window should open with google reader app inside it

3. What happens instead: Well, nothing actually - prism with google reader does not run.

Revision history for this message
Andrei Dziahel (develop7) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Andrei Dziahel (develop7) wrote :
tags: added: regression-potential
Micah Gersten (micahg)
tags: removed: regression-potential
Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote :

if i use the menu items it works. maybe re-log in in case there is a left over process which didnt like the upgrade while it was running.

Revision history for this message
Andrei Dziahel (develop7) wrote :

Ok, here are some updates.

1. log in as guest user
2. Run prism of google reader (no matter how)
3. Run prism of google groups
4. Run prism of google mail

Expected behavior:
1. action 2 opens prism for google reader
2. action 3 opens prism for google groups
3. action 4 opens prism for google mail

What actually happens:
1. action 2 opens prism for google reader (as planned)
2. action 3 does not open prism — I see only button on taskbar saying "starting google groups"
3. action 3 opens prism for google groups instead of google mail (because of content of ~/.webapps/google.mail<TAB>/override.ini which points to "groups" app)

I think there's a bug in fta's /usr/bin/prism helper script (since I can't see a reason to reason to override gmail.webapp with groups.webapp).

Hope this helps.

Revision history for this message
Andrei Dziahel (develop7) wrote :

I've just got another similar issue:

1. rm ~/.webapps/ -fr
2. run prism-google-mail
3. run prism-google-docs

Googledocs prism did not open, but it overwrote contents of ~/.<email address hidden>/webapp.ini with googledocs' one. I'm attaching it. There were no override.ini, as opposed to my previous report (#4).

Hope this helps too.
Please take as much attention as possible on this bug since prism looks only solution to have offline google apps on linux for now.

Thanks in advance.

Gord Allott (gordallott)
Changed in prism (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Martijn Faassen (faassen) wrote :

Any progress on this issue? I just ran into this on a fresh install (I added the flash plugin and adblock through ubuntu packages; I noticed adblock is also affecting the prism apps, don't know whether it's related).


* start google mail (works)

* try to start google calendar (fails, doesn't start)

If I close google mail running google mail again will actually run google calendar.

It surprises me that this hasn't been fixed in so long, since it totally breaks prism. This leads me to believe that it doesn't affect everybody. Anyone care to share a configuration that *does* work?

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