Activity log for bug #1463077

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-06-08 15:30:07 bugproxy bug added bug
2015-06-08 15:30:11 bugproxy tags architecture-ppc64le bugnameltc-125714 severity-critical targetmilestone-inin---
2015-06-08 15:30:12 bugproxy attachment added /var/log/drmgr after the failure
2015-06-08 15:30:15 bugproxy attachment added Contents of /var/log/syslog after failure
2015-06-08 15:39:51 bugproxy tags architecture-ppc64le bugnameltc-125714 severity-critical targetmilestone-inin--- architecture-ppc64le bugnameltc-125714 severity-critical targetmilestone-inin14043
2015-06-08 15:40:50 Luciano Chavez affects ubuntu powerpc-utils (Ubuntu)
2015-06-08 15:40:50 Luciano Chavez powerpc-utils (Ubuntu): assignee Taco Screen team (taco-screen-team)
2015-06-09 01:16:20 Steve Langasek nominated for series Ubuntu Trusty
2015-06-09 01:16:20 Steve Langasek bug task added powerpc-utils (Ubuntu Trusty)
2015-06-09 01:17:59 Steve Langasek affects powerpc-utils (Ubuntu) powerpc-ibm-utils (Ubuntu)
2015-06-09 01:17:59 Steve Langasek powerpc-ibm-utils (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released
2015-06-09 01:18:44 Steve Langasek powerpc-ibm-utils (Ubuntu Trusty): status New Triaged
2015-06-09 01:18:53 Steve Langasek powerpc-ibm-utils (Ubuntu Trusty): assignee Adam Conrad (adconrad)
2015-06-09 01:19:04 Steve Langasek powerpc-ibm-utils (Ubuntu Trusty): milestone ubuntu-14.04.3
2015-06-09 01:19:08 Steve Langasek powerpc-ibm-utils (Ubuntu Trusty): importance Undecided High
2015-07-27 21:13:45 Adam Conrad marked as duplicate 1455580