postgresql-common 101~hardy1 source package in Ubuntu
postgresql-common (101~hardy1) hardy-backports; urgency=low * Automated backport upload; no source changes. postgresql-common (101) unstable; urgency=low * debian/supported-versions: Only support 8.4 in Ubuntu 9.10. (LP: #403381) *, change_ugid(): Fix taint error. (LP: #403693) * Update Swedish debconf translations, thanks Martin Bagge! (Closes: #539216) * t/090_multicluster.t: Run psql error tests under LC_MESSAGES=C to not fail under non-English locales. * pg_upgradecluster: Do not try to migrate "stats_*" settings to "track_counts" again if track_counts is already set. This led to disabling autovacuum on a 8.3 → 8.4 migration. (Closes: #540351) * pg_upgradecluster: Fix owner of pg_hba.conf after upgrade, to also work in tight umask settings. * debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3; no changes necessary. * debian/control: Re-promote ssl-cert to Depends:. Dropping to recommends does not buy anything and causes regressions. (Closes: #540982) postgresql-common (100) unstable; urgency=low * t/005_PgCommon.t: Add test case for read_conf_file() for configuration files with an include directive. This reproduces #535428. *, read_conf_file(): Correctly handle includes. (Closes: #535428) * Check environment variable $PG_CLUSTER_CONF_ROOT for an alternative configuration root (default: /etc/postgresql/). For testing/development purposes you can change this to point to e. g. your home directory, so that you can use the postgresql-common tools without root privileges. Thanks to Aidan Van Dyk for the suggestion and patch! * pg_createcluster: If calling as non-root user, default to effective user id for owneruid instead of root. This makes using $PG_CLUSTER_CONF_ROOT more convenient. * pg_wrapper: Document PG_CLUSTER_CONF_ROOT in the POD. * debian/control: Add missing ${misc:Depends}. * debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.2; no changes necessary. postgresql-common (99) unstable; urgency=low * Update Czech debconf translations, thanks Miroslav Kure. (Closes: #534794) *, cluster_info(): Do not set a default log file if the cluster uses syslog for logging. Thanks Antti Merenluoto! * debian/supported-versions: Add Ubuntu 9.10. * t/030_errors.t: Fix "invalid pg_hba.conf" test for translated PostgreSQL error message. postgresql-common (98) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: Add missing lsb-release dependency (which now ships the lsb_release program). (Closes: #520992) * Add support for 8.4 (pre-release snapshots for now): - debian/supported-versions: Support 8.4 everywhere (for backports). - cleanpg: Remove 8.4 clusters. - pg_createcluster: Clone configure_8_3() as configure_8_4(). - t/060_obsolete_confparams.t: Add complete set of 8.3 configuration options, to test configuration migration to 8.4. -, get_cluster_locales(): Bail out if calling on 8.4 or later cluster (where locales are not associated to clusters any more)., get_cluster_databases(): Ignore lines from psql -Atl which just describe access permissions. - pg_ctlcluster: Only do locales check for <= 8.3 for now. - "ident sameuser" does not exist any more in 8.4, just use "ident" from 8.4 on. - pg_createcluster: Do not symlink root.crt if /etc/postgresql-common/root.crt does not have actual certificates (just the help text), since 8.4 gets royally confused about the dummy one. - pg_upgradecluster: Migrate obsolete/changed configuration parameters. - t/020_create_sql_remove.t: Fix parsing of psql -Atl output for new 8.4 format. - t/030_errors.t: 8.4 now fails on invalid pg_hba.conf, update accordingly. - t/050_encodings.t: Stop using pg_controldata for checking cluster encoding. Just check psql -Atl. * pg_upgradecluster: Don't call createdb/dropdb with -q; it got dropped in 8.4 and is not necessary any more with 8.3 either. * t/010_defaultport_cluster.t: Ensure that we run the test with LC_MESSAGES=C, so that it succeeds in non-English locales, too. * t/051_inconsistent_encoding_upgrade.t: Disable if the oldest available cluster is 8.3 or newer; the test is not relevant there, and will fail. postgresql-common (97) unstable; urgency=low * t/030_errors.t: Fix "no space left on device" test for non-English locales. * Add cleanpg: Script to remove all PostgreSQL related processes and files. This isn't shipped in the package, just kept in the source as a developer tool. * debian/control: Update section to "database". * debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1 (no changes required). * t/, deb_installed(): Properly close the dpkg file descriptor. Thanks to Cyril Bouthors for pointing this out! * t/001_packages.t: Check that postgres user is in the ssl-cert group. Thanks to Cyril Bouthors for the patch! * Added support for passing additional options to pg_ctl through a new configuration file pg_ctl.conf, or as additional CLI arguments to pg_ctlcluster. Add tests in t/085_pg_ctl.conf.t. Thanks to Cyril Bouthors <email address hidden> for the patch! (Closes: #492843) * t/070_non_postgres_clusters.t: Update number of tests for new pg_ctl.conf file. * t/090_multicluster.t: Check that explicit port specification with -p/--port/$PGPORT selects the right cluster in the case of multiple existing clusters where none runs on the default port. This reproduces #517527. * pg_wrapper: Default to latest version if -p, --port, or $PGPORT is specified, multiple clusters are available, and none is running on the default port 5432. (Closes: #517527) postgresql-common (96) unstable; urgency=low * debian/supported-versions: Add "Debian 5.0" aka Lenny. (Closes: #509144) * debian/README.Debian: Document port handling, and point to relevant manpages and tools. (Closes: #508977) * debian/README.Debian: Fix "confident" typo. (Closes: #512648) * Drop pg_autovacuum handling, which was only necessary for 7.4 (8.0 and above have internal autovacuuming). This was kept for Lenny to allow Etch backports. This also gets rid of pg_maintenance and /etc/cron.d/postgresql-common. (Closes: #425914, #481025) * Add debian/postgresql-common.preinst: Remove obsolete conffiles (cronjob and /etc/postgresql-common/autovacuum.conf) on upgrade. * Drop support for pre-8.1 clusters, together with all hacks and workarounds for those. Add Conflicts: to postgresql-{7.4,8.0}, to ensure that this version isn't used with ancient servers any more. * t/030_errors.t: Check that clusters on the same port can run side by side if they are using different Unix socket directories and different TCP addresses. This reproduces #514132. * pg_ctlcluster: Replace overly harsh port conflict check (which broke clusters on the same port, but different Unix/TCP namespaces) with a more modest one which just checks conflict on the same Unix socket directory. Thanks to Bernd Helmle for the patch! (Closes: #514132, #472627) * debian/postgresql-common.postinst: Do not call pg_updatedicts with full path (DP 6.1). * pg_lsclusters, pg_upgradecluster: Fix forgotten "=back" after itemize list in the POD. Thanks lintian. * debian/compat, debian/control: Bump compat level to 6. * pg_updatedicts: Ensure generated tsearch dictionaries are world readable when being generated under umask 077. * debian/README.Debian: Point out incompatibility between using the upstream tools (initdb) and the Debian tools (pg_createcluster) and give some recommendations. (LP: #138793) * debian/maintscripts-functions: Unset $GREP_OPTIONS. Thanks to Carlo Calderoni for noticing! postgresql-common (95) experimental; urgency=low * Add automatic building of PostgreSQL tsearch/stem dictionaries: - Add pg_updatedicts: Build dictionaries and affix files from installed hunspell/myspell dictionary packages. - Add t/150_tsearch_stemming.t: Test cases for pg_updatedicts, tsearch functionality, and word stem handling. - t/001_packages.t: Ensure that hunspell-en-us is installed, above new test relies on it. - debian/postgresql-common.install: Install pg_updatedicts. - debian/rules: Create man page from pg_udpatedicts POD. - Add debian/postgresql-common.triggers: Register interest on /usr/share/myspell/dicts. - debian/postgresql-common.postinst: Call pg_updatedicts on upgrade to this version, fresh install, and our trigger. - debian/postgresql-common.postrm: Remove /var/cache/postgresql on purge. - (LP: #301770) postgresql-common (94) unstable; urgency=low * t/070_non_postgres_clusters.t: Test that all cluster configuration files are owned by the cluster superuser. Reproduces #481349. * pg_createcluster: Make the cluster configuration directory, "start.conf", and "environment" owned by the cluster superuser instead of root. (Closes: #481349) * t/030_errors.t: Check behaviour of starting of clusters with colliding ports. Reproduces #472627. * pg_ctlcluster: Error out with a port collision message if another cluster is already running on the port. (Closes: #472627) * t/090_multicluster.t: Don't reconfigure cluster on conflicting port, since that now fails with above fix. postgresql-common (93) unstable; urgency=low * t/060_obsolete_confparams.t: Test a direct upgrade from oldest to newest version in addition to consecutive version-by-version upgrades. This checks that parameters which changed several times between the versions are correctly converted. Reproduces #502106. * pg_upgradecluster: Re-read configuration file after doing the "syslog" -> "redirect_stderr" migration, so that the followup "redirect_stderr" -> "logging_collector" rename will actually be done. This fixes a direct 7.4 -> 8.3 upgrade. (Closes: #502106) postgresql-common (92) unstable; urgency=low * debian/supported-versions: Add Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04. * pg_upgradecluster: Clarify POD about manual mode of the old cluster. Thanks to Toni Mueller for noticing. * Demote ssl-cert Depends: to Recommends:. (Closes: #498406) * pg_upgradecluster: Provide --locale and -lc-* options similar to pg_createcluster, to provide easy UTF-8 migration from previous legacy-encoded clusters. (Closes: #505785) * t/052_upgrade_encodings.t: Test cases for pg_upgradecluster default and explicit encoding behaviour. * debian/init.d-functions: Use --force for forcefully stopping a running cluster for "restart" init.d operation as well. Otherwise restart is not guaranteed to succeed and could hang on existing connections. (Closes: #481359) * t/052_upgrade_encodings.t: Test upgrading of an SQL_ASCII database in a cluter running under a proper locale. This reproduces #505449. * pg_upgradecluster: Preserve SQL_ASCII encoded databases on upgrade. (Closes: #505449) postgresql-common (91) unstable; urgency=low * Update Brazilian Portugese debconf translations, thanks Eder L. Marques! (Closes: #493031) * Add Romanian debconf translations, thanks Igor Stirbu! (Closes: #491823) * debian/control: Bump Standards-Version (no changes necessary). postgresql-common (90) unstable; urgency=low * Update Swedish debconf translations, thanks Martin Bagge! (Closes: #490677) * Add Turkish debconf translations, thanks Mert Dirik! (Closes: #491007) * Update Vietnamese debconf translations, thanks Clytie Siddall! (Closes: #491048) * Update Russian debconf translations, thanks Sergey Alyoshin! (Closes: #491420) *, change_ugid(): Use /usr/bin/id instead of manual parsing with getgrent(), which is reportedly magnitudes faster for environments with a large number of groups in remote databases. Thanks to Rodrigo Gallardo! (Closes: #491136) * debian/postgresql-common.postinst: Update root.crt header comment for PostgreSQL 8.3. (Closes: #491276) * pg_ctlcluster: Fix typo in pg_ctl error messages. Thanks to Aaron Schrab! (Closes: #488280) * pg_createcluster, pg_ctlcluster: Set the log file group to "adm" if the cluster is owned by a system user (like "postgres"). In the "owned by human user" case, keep it as that user's primary group. Check both cases in the test suite. (Closes: #483017) * t/ Return "1" at the end, to avoid " did not return a true value" error on import. *, read_conf_file(): Fix parsing of escaped quotes in string values. Add tests to t/005_PgCommon.t. (Closes: #481055) postgresql-common (89) unstable; urgency=low * Update Italian debconf translations, thanks Luca Monducci! (Closes: #479360) * Update Galician debconf translations, thanks Jacobo Tarrio! (Closes: #480971) * Update Euskara debconf translations, thanks Piarres Beobide! (Closes: #483239) * t/051_inconsistent_encoding_upgrade.t: Don't error out if there is just one major version installed. * Update Portugese debconf translations, thanks Luis Matos (Closes: #488570) and Ricardo Silva! (Closes: #489820) postgresql-common (88) unstable; urgency=low * t/030_errors.t: Add various test cases for stopping stopped clusters with stale or corrupt PID files, with and without --force. This reproduces #473879. * pg_ctlcluster: On stop, clean up stale/corrupt PID files if the server is not running. Also fix a taint error and simplify the code a bit. (Closes: #473879) * t/030_errors.t: Test graceful handling of absent /var/lib/postgresql. (Reproduces LP #210322). Adapt 020_create_sql_remove.t accordingly. * pg_ctlcluster: Check early whether the data directory exists and is accessible, to avoid lots of Perl warning clutter. (LP: #210322) * pg_createcluster POD: Clarify what "integrating existing cluster data directory" means: configuration files must already be present, we cannot create them out of thin air. (Closes: #475954) * pg_maintenance: Sort versions for predictable output (looks nicer and unbreaks the test suite). -- Ubuntu Archive Backport <email address hidden> Mon, 09 Nov 2009 13:45:04 +0000
Upload details
- Uploaded by:
- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync
- Uploaded to:
- Hardy
- Original maintainer:
- Martin Pitt
- Architectures:
- all
- Section:
- misc
- Urgency:
- Low Urgency
See full publishing history Publishing
Series | Published | Component | Section |
File | Size | SHA-256 Checksum |
postgresql-common_101~hardy1.tar.gz | 110.3 KiB | 2730a06717f6a1bc8c4e7d8601314d40d646c7bc28a2521696464b6e3f8951dd |
postgresql-common_101~hardy1.dsc | 373 bytes | 1ed16c2cb0b4a6147ce67a728050ce78f1fa1dacf3ae6fa966da4ec320297b11 |
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- diff from 87 to 101~hardy1 (47.8 KiB)
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