From: Flavio Antonini Link: This script workarounded by run 2nd instance of pidgin that show window, then kill all pidgin instances on exit via dbus-monitor whatching. NOTE: change line 29: win=$(echo "$l" | sed -n '/^.*Lista\scontatti$/p') according to your language of pidgin window title (in italian "Lista contatti", in english maybe "Contact list").
From: dwmw2 Link: 0001-Do-not-rewrite-custom-buddy-icons-already-in-the-cac.patch
From: dwmw2 Link: 0001-Fix-Finch-search-results-display-17238.patch
From: dwmw2 Link: 0001-Ensure-labelled-buttons-are-shown-for-search-results.patch
From: dwmw2 Link: 0001-Pidgin-Indicate-mute-unmute-status-when-changed-remo.patch
From: Ralf Link: webex.patch
From: djcj Link: pidgin-remove-icq-error-message.patch
From: senya Link: the package fix
From: Stefan Kriwanek (Divan) Link: pidgin-farstream-ubuntu-precise.patch
From: Aditya V Link: Fixed patch (based on the original submitted patch)
From: Vincenzo Mantova Link: Patch to indicator-me which stores the status message and reset it at each status change.
From: Devid Antonio Filoni Link: debdiff
From: Alex Willmer Link: Remove padding set in VBox
From: Roger Ward Link: Debdiff as requested in
From: Stephen Cook Link: fix