Activity log for bug #795795

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2011-06-11 01:04:11 Pedro Bessa bug added bug
2011-06-11 01:08:11 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos affects unity-2d (Ubuntu) overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu)
2011-06-11 10:37:02 Marcel Stimberg overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2011-06-11 10:37:29 Marcel Stimberg summary inconsitent new scrollbar behavior Overlay scrollbar in evolution's message preview pane does not appear on approach (only on hover)
2011-06-11 10:39:50 Marcel Stimberg bug task added ayatana-scrollbar
2011-06-11 10:40:26 Marcel Stimberg bug task added evolution (Ubuntu)
2011-06-12 16:33:21 Andrea Cimitan overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu): status Confirmed New
2011-06-12 16:33:31 Andrea Cimitan overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu): status New Incomplete
2011-06-12 16:33:33 Andrea Cimitan ayatana-scrollbar: status New Incomplete
2011-06-12 16:46:57 Marcel Stimberg overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu): status Incomplete New
2011-06-12 16:53:19 Marcel Stimberg attachment added Screenshot showing the inconsistency
2011-06-12 16:53:47 Marcel Stimberg ayatana-scrollbar: status Incomplete New
2011-06-12 16:54:50 Marcel Stimberg summary Overlay scrollbar in evolution's message preview pane does not appear on approach (only on hover) In evolution's message preview pane the overlay scrollbar thumb does not appear on approach (only on hover)
2011-06-29 07:50:30 Andrea Cimitan ayatana-scrollbar: status New Incomplete
2011-06-29 07:50:32 Andrea Cimitan evolution (Ubuntu): status New Incomplete
2011-06-29 07:50:34 Andrea Cimitan overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu): status New Incomplete
2011-06-29 08:34:26 Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre overlay-scrollbar (Ubuntu): status Incomplete Confirmed
2013-11-06 20:54:20 Jörg Frings-Fürst evolution (Ubuntu): status Incomplete Invalid