This bug was fixed in the package ubuntu-system-settings 0.3+15.04.20150731-0ubuntu1 in --------------- ubuntu-system-settings (0.3+15.04.20150731-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium [ Ken VanDine ] * [cellular/apn] new APN panel made for the new 'Preferred' property, as well as the 'ResetContext' method. (LP: #1435360, #1361864, #1376714, #1457676, #1424149, #1442646, #1388222) ubuntu-system-settings (0.3+15.10.20150729.1-0ubuntu2~gcc5.1) wily; urgency=medium * No change upload, build with GCC 5. ubuntu-system-settings (0.3+15.10.20150729.1-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium [ Christopher Lee ] * Update AP helper so it doesn't attempt to use an unreachable value when scrolling. [ Ken VanDine ] * Added a sleep to give set_forward_on_busy time to finish * Use wait_select_single in the wifi dialog and bump the sleep to 1 second * We need to explicitly stop dbus in tearDownClass, fixes lingering dbus processes ubuntu-system-settings (0.3+15.10.20150724-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium [ CI Train Bot ] * New rebuild forced. [ Manuel de la Pena ] * Recompile with the new udm to avoid ABI issues. ubuntu-system-settings (0.3+15.10.20150722-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium [ CI Train Bot ] * Resync trunk. [ Ken VanDine ] * Use TextField.write to properly use the OSK Added helper to dismiss OSK [ jonas-drange ] * [tests] avoids setting Interfaces property after the Cellular/Phone/About plugins have loaded. ubuntu-system-settings (0.3+15.10.20150716-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium [ CI Train Bot ] * Resync trunk. [ Ken VanDine ] * [wifi] Fixed handling of loading extended attributes from the MenuModel (LP: #1472505) [ handsome_feng