Something is really weird here, even outside of what problem there MAY be with obconf-qt.
The setting for this in the Openbox config is `<placement><center>yes</center></placement>` which is a default part of the Lubuntu configuration (and technically Debian and upstream Openbox, too).
Something is really weird here, even outside of what problem there MAY be with obconf-qt.
The setting for this in the Openbox config is `<placement> <center> yes</center> </placement> ` which is a default part of the Lubuntu configuration (and technically Debian and upstream Openbox, too).
The option is relatively new as previous centering solutions were buggy, as evidenced by this bug: /bugzilla. icculus. org/show_ bug.cgi? id=5946
However, as you can see there, it was resolved with a new commit: /github. com/danakj/ openbox/ commit/ f866c034bf6e954 791442ff029d5ae 51ab0bd616
Despite all that, I can't get it to work no way, no how.
That said, I'm going to add Openbox and investigate a bit further.