Activity log for bug #1683512

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2017-04-17 21:40:32 n1k31t4 bug added bug
2017-04-17 22:50:00 n1k31t4 description I had a problem with window edges after waking from suspend - see here: For this reason I upgraded to the newer driver, from 375.39 to 381.09. Since upgrading, I have had to reinstall the Cuda Toolkit 8.0 (and CUDNN v5.1), however there seems to be a driver file missing, which prevents me from installing both Tensorflow and the gputools package in R, which build upon the Cuda Toolkit, which in turn needs the missing file. Neither Tensorflow no gputools are able to locate the file: Here is a similar issue, but with older drivers involved: I have read that I could possibly create this file as it is a symlink, however I would prefer not to, as I do not know what other dependencies exist. Example of possible workaround: I am running Ubuntu 16.04. Can somebody see why this file is missing or propose a stable solution? I had a problem with window edges after waking from suspend - see here: For this reason I upgraded to the newer driver, from 375.39 to 381.09. I have posted this question on AskUbuntu, with some extra information! Since upgrading, I have had to reinstall the Cuda Toolkit 8.0 (and CUDNN v5.1), however there seems to be a driver file missing, which prevents me from installing both Tensorflow and the gputools package in R, which build upon the Cuda Toolkit, which in turn needs the missing file. Neither Tensorflow no gputools are able to locate the file: Here is a similar issue, but with older drivers involved: I have read that I could possibly create this file as it is a symlink, however I would prefer not to, as I do not know what other dependencies exist. Example of possible workaround: I am running Ubuntu 16.04. Can somebody see why this file is missing or propose a stable solution?
2017-04-25 17:11:06 n1k31t4 bug task added nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu)
2017-04-25 17:11:59 n1k31t4 bug task added theano (Ubuntu)
2017-04-28 09:04:48 Launchpad Janitor nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2017-04-28 09:04:48 Launchpad Janitor nvidia-graphics-drivers-375 (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2017-04-28 09:04:48 Launchpad Janitor theano (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2018-05-06 16:38:31 Rebecca Palmer theano (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Invalid