Critical urgency notifications should not expire
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
notify-osd (Ubuntu) |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
Binary package hint: notification-daemon
The desktop notification specification defined here:
states that critical level messages should not auto expire. Currently in Ubuntu, critical level messages do auto-expire unless you also specify the timeout for notifications to 0.
"Critical notifications should not automatically expire, as they are things that the user will most likely want to know about. They should only be closed when the user dismisses them, for example, by clicking on the notification."
For example:
notify-send -u critical 'This is critical!'
and observe it disappear.
Instead you must run:
notify-send -u critical -t 0 'This is critical!'
affects: | notification-daemon (Ubuntu) → notify-osd (Ubuntu) |
<http:// www.galago- project. org/specs/ notification/ 0.9/x344. html> says "Neither clients nor notification servers are required to support any hints."
That said, we *do* treat critical notifications specially (they jump the queue), so we can't really claim that we're doing nothing with that hint. Probably we should investigate showing critical notifications as fallback alert boxes instead.