@Per @Kev - Can you please check that you have dnsmasq installed, by running the following command:
$ dpkg -l dnsmasq
This package is needed to be able to create Adhoc networks. The ability to share an internet connection is not built into the distribution. See the Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc
There is also a Brainstorm request to have Adhoc networks work out of the box:
Idea #15663: Facilitate "Internet Sharing" within Network Manager http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/15663/
Can both of you also run the following command to update the bug with apport logs:
$ apport-collect 322902
@Per @Kev - Can you please check that you have dnsmasq installed, by running the following command:
$ dpkg -l dnsmasq
This package is needed to be able to create Adhoc networks. The ability to share an internet connection is not built into the distribution. See the Documentation: /help.ubuntu. com/community/ WifiDocs/ Adhoc
There is also a Brainstorm request to have Adhoc networks work out of the box: brainstorm. ubuntu. com/idea/ 15663/
Idea #15663: Facilitate "Internet Sharing" within Network Manager
Can both of you also run the following command to update the bug with apport logs:
$ apport-collect 322902