[ Alexander Sack <email address hidden> ]
* new upstream snapshot (Mon 2008-09-08 18:35:21 rev3504)
* merge improved ifupdown system config implementation from main.eni branch;
Mon 2008-09-08 20:47:20 +0200; rev 2828
* Fix LP: #255839 - "0.7 N-M "system setting" does not work"; we create the
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ directory during package install now
- update debian/network-manager.dirs
* adjust patch due to changed ifupdown plugin source dir
- update debian/patches/50_gcc43.patch
* fix LP: #256480 - "network-manager 0.7 breaks resolvconf integration"; we
pass --with-resolvconf=/sbin/resolvconf to configure.
- update debian/rules
* (proposed) fix LP: #259503 - "crashes when unplugging device (or unloading
module)" - crash caused by idle handler accessing already freed device.
We fix that for wireless and ethernet, which both were affected by
properly refcounting the device gobjects.
- add debian/patches/80_lp259503_access_to_freed_device_struct.patch
- update debian/patches/series
* drop ifupdown from Depends: - there is no sense to depend on replacements
- update debian/control
* drop patch applied upstream
- delete debian/patches/05-debian_backend.patch
- update debian/patches/series
* Fix LP: #261688 - NetworkManager build dependency for "libdbus-glib-1-dev
(>= 0.60)" incorrect; we adjust the version to >= 0.74.
- update debian/control
* bump shlibs requirements for libnm-util0 and libnm-glib0 packages to >=
- update debian/rules
* Fix - Networkmanager doesn't update resolv.conf when resolvconf is
installed, but /etc/resolv.conf isnt a link; we fix that by honouring
the resolvconf exit code and fall back to "normal" named behaviour in case
it fails. This requires a resolvconf update which currently doesnt return
a non-zero exit code when it fails in such a way.
- add debian/patches/honour_resolvconf_exitcode.patch
- update debian/patche/series
This bug was fixed in the package network-manager - 0.7~~svn2008090 8t183521+ eni0-0ubuntu1
--------------- 08t183521+ eni0-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
network-manager (0.7~~svn200809
[ Alexander Sack <email address hidden> ] NetworkManager/ system- connections/ directory during package install now network- manager. dirs patches/ 50_gcc43. patch resolvconf= /sbin/resolvcon f to configure. patches/ 80_lp259503_ access_ to_freed_ device_ struct. patch patches/ series patches/ 05-debian_ backend. patch patches/ series ~svn20080908 patches/ honour_ resolvconf_ exitcode. patch patche/ series
* new upstream snapshot (Mon 2008-09-08 18:35:21 rev3504)
* merge improved ifupdown system config implementation from main.eni branch;
Mon 2008-09-08 20:47:20 +0200; rev 2828
* Fix LP: #255839 - "0.7 N-M "system setting" does not work"; we create the
- update debian/
* adjust patch due to changed ifupdown plugin source dir
- update debian/
* fix LP: #256480 - "network-manager 0.7 breaks resolvconf integration"; we
pass --with-
- update debian/rules
* (proposed) fix LP: #259503 - "crashes when unplugging device (or unloading
module)" - crash caused by idle handler accessing already freed device.
We fix that for wireless and ethernet, which both were affected by
properly refcounting the device gobjects.
- add debian/
- update debian/
* drop ifupdown from Depends: - there is no sense to depend on replacements
- update debian/control
* drop patch applied upstream
- delete debian/
- update debian/
* Fix LP: #261688 - NetworkManager build dependency for "libdbus-glib-1-dev
(>= 0.60)" incorrect; we adjust the version to >= 0.74.
- update debian/control
* bump shlibs requirements for libnm-util0 and libnm-glib0 packages to >=
- update debian/rules
* Fix - Networkmanager doesn't update resolv.conf when resolvconf is
installed, but /etc/resolv.conf isnt a link; we fix that by honouring
the resolvconf exit code and fall back to "normal" named behaviour in case
it fails. This requires a resolvconf update which currently doesnt return
a non-zero exit code when it fails in such a way.
- add debian/
- update debian/
[ Matt Zimmerman <email address hidden> ] network- manager. links source_ network- manager. py network- manager. install
* Add apport package hook (LP: #258552)
- add debian/
- add debian/
- update debian/
-- Alexander Sack <email address hidden> Tue, 09 Sep 2008 16:24:08 +0200