Binary package hint: network-manager-pptp
I installed network-manager-pptp and configured a vpn connection. I know I have to change the mtu to 1000 in order to be able to transfer some data. There is box in the vpn setup dialogue to specify the mtu value. But once connected, the connection will quickly hang as soon as I try to transfer some data. If I do a "ifconfig" I see that the mtu value for interface ppp0 is still the original 1416, it has not been changed to 1000 as specified in the configuration dialogue.
This is an old bug of network-manager-pptp and there is a patch to fix it but it seems you either did not implement it or you are still using a version that cannot be fixed for that bug. The maintainer of pptpconfig (which I still have to use) says it is now obsolete because of network-manager-pptp and will not improve it.
So it seem for the future everybody is relying on network-manager-pptp for MS vpn connectivity but without the ability to change the mtu value, it is useless for many people so I think it is a very important bug to fix.
The problem is still there. Will it be fixed in Hardy?