Hi, please remove attached heap dump. I asked for 'thread dump' which is different thing. Thread dump is list of all JVM threads with call stacks where heap dump is dump of JVM heap ie. memory. And thread dump is usefull only if IDE hangs. How to get thread dump: 'jps -l <pid>' where jps is utility from JDK bin. pid of JVM process you can get from 'ps axu | grep java' and find correct process if multiple java processes are running.
Hi, please remove attached heap dump. I asked for 'thread dump' which is different thing. Thread dump is list of all JVM threads with call stacks where heap dump is dump of JVM heap ie. memory. And thread dump is usefull only if IDE hangs. How to get thread dump: 'jps -l <pid>' where jps is utility from JDK bin. pid of JVM process you can get from 'ps axu | grep java' and find correct process if multiple java processes are running.