Activity log for bug #42939

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2006-05-04 14:06:56 Jane Silber bug added bug
2006-05-04 14:46:04 Sebastien Bacher nautilus: status Unconfirmed Needs Info
2006-05-04 14:46:04 Sebastien Bacher nautilus: assignee desktop-bugs
2006-05-04 14:46:04 Sebastien Bacher nautilus: statusexplanation Thanks for your bug. Is your pdf on vfat partition?
2006-05-04 15:38:18 Sebastien Bacher nautilus: status Needs Info Rejected
2006-05-04 15:38:18 Sebastien Bacher nautilus: statusexplanation Thanks for your bug. Is your pdf on vfat partition? That's know: bug #14335 and due to the fact than all the files as marked as executables on a vfat partition. There is some discussion upstream to make it cleverer, if they come with a simple fix I'll try to backport it for dapper
2006-05-04 15:38:24 Sebastien Bacher marked as duplicate 14335
2006-05-05 07:38:44 Sebastien Bacher bug added subscriber joelbryan