On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 5:07 AM, ChristianEhrhardt <
<email address hidden>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I subscribed several of you who were contributors to the last uploads of
> multipath-tools.
> I've added a dep8 test realizing that there was none, but that can't cover
> as much as I'd like.
> I have made a ppa of the current state of the merge available for extra
> testing at:
> https://launchpad.net/~paelzer/+archive/ubuntu/bug-1645274-multipath-merge
> @Mathieu / Mauricio
> As much as time permits I'd ask you to test whatever you formerly used to
> test your uploads on that ppa.
> Also you certainly had special cases triggering your former uploads it
> would be great if you could at least throw those against it that would be
> possible without too much effort.
> @Ryan - did you come up with a tweak to utilize the curtin vmtests witha a
> ppa or a custom image - I think this would be a great opportunity for some
> extra cross tests before an actual upload.
> Even if you have nothing already please contact me to discuss if we could
> create something.
We can certainly point to a PPA during a multipath-enabled vmtest run;
which I think satisfies this request; Or at a min, we can enable proposed
and run them.
I'll add a task for this to curtin.
On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 5:07 AM, ChristianEhrhardt <
<email address hidden>> wrote:
> Hi, /launchpad. net/~paelzer/ +archive/ ubuntu/ bug-1645274- multipath- merge
> I subscribed several of you who were contributors to the last uploads of
> multipath-tools.
> I've added a dep8 test realizing that there was none, but that can't cover
> as much as I'd like.
> I have made a ppa of the current state of the merge available for extra
> testing at:
> https:/
> @Mathieu / Mauricio
> As much as time permits I'd ask you to test whatever you formerly used to
> test your uploads on that ppa.
> Also you certainly had special cases triggering your former uploads it
> would be great if you could at least throw those against it that would be
> possible without too much effort.
> @Ryan - did you come up with a tweak to utilize the curtin vmtests witha a
> ppa or a custom image - I think this would be a great opportunity for some
> extra cross tests before an actual upload.
> Even if you have nothing already please contact me to discuss if we could
> create something.
We can certainly point to a PPA during a multipath-enabled vmtest run;
which I think satisfies this request; Or at a min, we can enable proposed
and run them.
I'll add a task for this to curtin.
> /bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1645274 /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ multipath- tools/+ bug/1645274/ +
> --
> You received this bug notification because you are subscribed to the bug
> report.
> https:/
> Title:
> Merge recent multipath-tools for zesty
> To manage notifications about this bug go to:
> https:/
> subscriptions