modemmanager (0.4+git.20110124t203624.00b6cce-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
* upstream snapshot 2011-01-24 20:36:24 (GMT)
+ 00b6cce4df7d4acbf3e580a03c2f044e18589d2c
- rules: blacklist some unlikely USB serial dongles
- gsm: enable unsolicited codes on secondary ports too
- test: handle cancel and distinguish between initiate and respond
- gsm: wire up USSD Respond function
- api: add reply parameter to USSD Respond method
- linktop: add plugin for Linktop/Teracom LW273
- gsm: prefer AT+CIND signal quality for modems that support it (LP: #682282)
- huawei: don't spam syslog with tx/rx stats (LP: #673457, #662791)
- gsm: query signal strength with +CIND if modem does not support +CSQ
- gsm: add preliminary USSD support
- huawei: fix potential double-free on error
- core: prefer CDMA capabilities over GSM for dual-mode devices
- gsm: allow use of GSM 03.38 character set
- polkit: fix for polkit >= 0.97
- core: work around dbus-glib property access bug (CVE-2010-1172)
* debian/patches/qdl-blacklist.patch: add a blacklist of Gobi QDL devices so
that we don't break firmware loading by trying to initialize them before
the modem is really ready. (LP: #686418)
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Wed, 26 Jan 2011 21:03:12 -0500