mate-utils 1.26.0-0ubuntu1 source package in Ubuntu


mate-utils (1.26.0-0ubuntu1) impish; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.

 -- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden>  Sat, 21 Aug 2021 18:03:06 +0100

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Uploaded by:
Martin Wimpress 
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Original maintainer:
ole hasselbalch
any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Lunar release universe misc
Kinetic release universe misc
Jammy release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
mate-utils_1.26.0.orig.tar.xz 7.6 MiB 7ca56ab242e8efaa64f93ffb84f6e4bf8d4d0df01e20b3b6ef8956ce3192782e
mate-utils_1.26.0-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz 9.6 KiB 5346722ac61e8c5cf0a28d44228bb80967d924d93c367ed42d4a62612ec6ea24
mate-utils_1.26.0-0ubuntu1.dsc 2.6 KiB caff1443ca540ccf7b9db005971c5fa02bde6da59b2aff20ed5f547b5ea3a2c1

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Binary packages built by this source

libmatedict-dev: MATE desktop utilities (matedict development files)

 The MATE dictionary is a program which can look up the definition of words
 over the internet (including a panel applet to do the same). MATE
 dictionary is included in the MATE utilities bundle.
 This package provides the development files of the MATE dictionary library.

libmatedict6: MATE desktop utilities (matedict library)

 The MATE dictionary is a program which can look up the definition of words
 over the internet (including a panel applet to do the same). MATE
 dictionary is included in the MATE utilities bundle.
 This package provides the MATE dictionary library.

libmatedict6-dbgsym: debug symbols for libmatedict6
mate-utils: No summary available for mate-utils in ubuntu impish.

No description available for mate-utils in ubuntu impish.

mate-utils-common: MATE desktop utilities (common files)

 This package contains all the tools bundled as MATE utilities:
  - mate-disk-usage-analyzer, a disk usage analyser
  - mate-dictionary, a program which can look up the definition of words
    over the internet (including a panel applet to do the same)
  - mate-search-tool, with which one can find files by name or content
  - mate-system-log, a log viewing application
  - mate-screenshot, a tool to take desktop screenshots and save them into
    a file
 This package contains the architecture independent files.

mate-utils-dbgsym: No summary available for mate-utils-dbgsym in ubuntu impish.

No description available for mate-utils-dbgsym in ubuntu impish.